Stanley Tucci and Maya Ghazal on-set at Buzzfeed's Proper Tasty offices
© A Bonello/ProperTasty

About Stanley

Academy Award nominated actor, writer, producer, and film director Stanley Tucci has been supporting UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency since 2017.

Stanley is a food lover and author of 2 cookbooks. For World Refugee Day 2018, Stanley and UNHCR teamed up with Buzzfeed Proper Tasty to explore the central role that food plays in all of our life journeys, especially for refugees. For those that have been forced to flee their homes and have lost everything food, at its most basic, is often about survival, but it’s also so much more. Our sense of family and memory, rituals and celebration, sharing and understanding, integration and belonging is often closely linked to food, cooking and eating.

Stanely cooked the recipe that he would hand down to his children, as well as cooking with fellow UNHCR Supporter and Syrian refugee, Maya Ghazal.

Other UNHCR work

Stanley has attended and initiated several fundraising activities for UNHCR and supported advocacy initiatives. He supported the #WithRefugees campaign by performing the poem What They Took With Them, and recently supported the first ever Global Refugee Forum in 2019.