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Administration of justice / Exhaustion of domestic remedies

Showing 1-10 of 106 results
AFFAIRE A.M. c. FRANCE (Requête no 12148/18)

Effective domestic remedy: Effectiveness of a suspensive remedy, in respect of an asylum request submitted after the application had been lodged with the Court: admissible As to the merits, the Court went on to find, unanimously, that there would be no violation of Article 3 if the decision to deport the applicant to Algeria were implemented.

29 April 2019 | Judicial Body: Council of Europe: European Court of Human Rights | Document type: Case Law | Legal Instrument: 1950 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) | Topic(s): Exhaustion of domestic remedies - Refugee status determination (RSD) / Asylum procedures | Countries: Algeria - France

Rechtbank Den Haag, 24-01-2018 / AWB - 17 _ 13382

articles 5 and 7(1)(h) 2005 Regulation on benefits for asylum seekers and other categories of foreigners contrary to EU law

12 March 2018 | Judicial Body: Netherlands, The: The Hague District Court | Document type: Case Law | Legal Instrument: 2013 Recast Asylum Procedures Directive (EU) | Topic(s): Exhaustion of domestic remedies - Reception | Countries: Netherlands

M.O. v. Switzerland

20 June 2017 | Judicial Body: Council of Europe: European Court of Human Rights | Document type: Case Law | Legal Instrument: 1950 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) | Topic(s): Credibility assessment - Exhaustion of domestic remedies - Expulsion - Forced labour - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment | Countries: Eritrea - Switzerland

S.G. c. Grèce

18 May 2017 | Judicial Body: Council of Europe: European Court of Human Rights | Document type: Case Law | Legal Instrument: 1950 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) | Topic(s): Asylum-seekers - Exhaustion of domestic remedies - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment | Countries: Greece - Iran, Islamic Republic of

Case of S.K v. Russia

14 February 2017 | Judicial Body: Council of Europe: European Court of Human Rights | Document type: Case Law | Legal Instrument: 1950 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) | Topic(s): Effective remedy - Exhaustion of domestic remedies - Humanitarian protection (including tolerated stay) - Physical harm - Right to life - Security situation | Countries: Russian Federation - Syrian Arab Republic

A.M. v. the Netherlands

5 July 2016 | Judicial Body: Council of Europe: European Court of Human Rights | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Exhaustion of domestic remedies - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Hazara - Persecution based on political opinion | Countries: Afghanistan - Netherlands

Admissibility of complaints before the African Court

30 June 2016 | Publisher: International Federation for Human Rights | Document type: Legal Articles/Analyses/Commentaries

Mejdoub Chani v. Algeria

12 May 2016 | Judicial Body: UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Arbitrary arrest and detention - Exhaustion of domestic remedies - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Right to liberty and security | Countries: Algeria

Mejdoub Chani v. Algeria

12 May 2016 | Judicial Body: UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Arbitrary arrest and detention - Exhaustion of domestic remedies - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Right to liberty and security | Countries: Algeria

Taras Surgan v. Belarus

19 November 2015 | Judicial Body: UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Exhaustion of domestic remedies - Freedom of assembly and association - Freedom of expression | Countries: Belarus

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