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Selected filters: Israel
Showing 1-10 of 365 results
Esther Segai Gersagher et al. v. the Knesset et al.

The Court is requested to order the voidness of section 4 of the Prevention of Infiltration and Ensuring the Departure of Infiltrators from Israel 5775-2014 (Legislative Amendments and Temporary Provisions) 5775-2014 (hereinafter: the "Amending Law") that obliges foreign workers who entered Israel not through a border crossing (hereinafter: "Infiltrator Workers") and their employers to deposit in a special bank account a total amount at a rate of 36% of the worker's wages that will be paid to the worker only at the time of his departure from Israel (hereinafter: the "Deposit Scheme"). In short, the Petitioners argue that the Deposit Scheme, in general, or in the least some of its components, is unconstitutional and therefore should be voided.

23 April 2020 | Judicial Body: Israel: High Court of Justice | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Administrative law - Asylum-seekers - Constitutional law - Illegal entry - Non-refoulement | Countries: Eritrea - Israel - Sudan

Esther Segai Gersagher et al v. The Knesset et al

23 April 2020 | Judicial Body: Israel: High Court of Justice | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Economic, social and cultural rights - Illegal entry - Immigration law - Right to employment | Countries: Eritrea - Israel - Sudan

UNRWA and Neutrality

November 2018 | Publisher: UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) | Document type: Legal Articles/Analyses/Commentaries

Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

7 December 2017 | Publisher: UN General Assembly | Document type: Resolutions/Recommendations/Declarations

The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

7 December 2017 | Publisher: UN General Assembly | Document type: Resolutions/Recommendations/Declarations

Security Council resolution 2361 (2017) [on extension of the mandate of the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) until 31 Dec. 2017]

29 June 2017 | Publisher: UN Security Council | Document type: Resolutions/Recommendations/Declarations

The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

23 December 2016 | Publisher: UN General Assembly | Document type: Resolutions/Recommendations/Declarations

Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

23 December 2016 | Publisher: UN General Assembly | Document type: Resolutions/Recommendations/Declarations

Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

23 December 2016 | Publisher: UN General Assembly | Document type: Resolutions/Recommendations/Declarations

Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

23 December 2016 | Publisher: UN General Assembly | Document type: Resolutions/Recommendations/Declarations

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