Jose Ernesto Medellin v. Doug Dretke, Director, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Correctional Institutions Division
On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. This case concerns the federal habeas corpus petition of Jose Medellin, a Mexican national, for review of his rights under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (the "Convention"). Medillin was tried and sentenced to death, a sentence which was affirmed by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Medillin then filed a state habeas corpus action, claiming that he had not been notified of his right to consular access under the Convention. The trial court, as well as the Court of Criminal Appeals in Texas rejected this claim. Subsequently Medillin filed a federal habeas corpus petition, which was rejected by the District Court. The Court of Appeals denied the application for appealability, shortly after the Avena judgment was handed down by the International Court of Justice ("ICJ"), in which it held that the United States had breached its obligation under the Convention to inform 51 Mexican nationals (including Medilla), all of whom had been sentenced to death, of the right to consular notification. Few days before the oral argument at the Supreme Court, Medillin filed another state habeas corpus petition based on the Avena judgment as well as a memorandum filed by President Bush, which stated that the United States would discharge its international obligations under the Avena judgment "by having State courts give effect to the ICJ decision in accordance with general principles of comity." Stating that the "state proceeding may provide Medellin with the review and reconsideration of his Vienna Convention claim that the ICJ required," the Supreme Court dismissed the writ as "improvidently granted." Justice O'Connor, joined by Justices Stevens, Souter and Breyer, filed a dissenting opinion in which she stated that she would "vacate the Court of Appeals' decision to deny Medellin a certificate of appealability" and "remand for further proceedings." 23 May 2005 | Judicial Body: United States Supreme Court | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Habeas corpus | Countries: Mexico - United States of America |
Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain et al.
Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Argued March 30, 2004 Decided June 29, 2004. 29 May 2004 | Judicial Body: United States Supreme Court | Document type: Case Law | Countries: Mexico - United States of America |
United States v. Arvizu
Certiorari to the united states court of appeals for the ninth circuit. Argued November 27, 2001. Decided January 15, 2002. 23 September 2002 | Judicial Body: United States Supreme Court | Document type: Case Law | Countries: Mexico - United States of America |
Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board
Argued: 15 January, 2002; Decided: 27 March, 2002 27 March 2002 | Judicial Body: United States Supreme Court | Document type: Case Law | Countries: Mexico - United States of America |
Reno v. Flores
Argued: October 13, 1992 Decided: March 23, 1993 23 March 1993 | Judicial Body: United States Supreme Court | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Deportation / Forcible return | Countries: Mexico - United States of America |
Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Lorez-Mendoza
Argued: April 18, 1984 Decided: July 5, 1984 5 July 1984 | Judicial Body: United States Supreme Court | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Deportation / Forcible return | Countries: Mexico - United States of America |
Plyler, Superintendent, Tyler Independent School District, et al. v. Department of Education, Guardian, et al.
Argued: 1 December 1981; Decided: 15 June 1982. Together with No. 80-1934, Texas et al. v. Certain Named and Unnamed Undocumented Alien Children et al., also on appeal from the same court. 15 June 1982 | Judicial Body: United States Supreme Court | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Equality before the law - Illegal immigrants / Undocumented migrants | Countries: Mexico - United States of America |
Department of Public Welfare of Arizona v. Richardson, et al.
Argued: 22 March, 1971; Decided: 14 June, 1971 Together with No. 727, Sailer et al. v. Leger et al., on appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 14 June 1971 | Judicial Body: United States Supreme Court | Document type: Case Law | Countries: Mexico - United States of America |
Perez v. United States Attorney General
Argued: 1 May, 1957; Decided: 31 March, 1958 On the same day, an order was entered substituting Attorney General Rogers for former Attorney General Brownell as the party respondent. See post, p. 915 31 March 1958 | Judicial Body: United States Supreme Court | Document type: Case Law | Countries: Mexico - United States of America |
Ornelas v. Ruiz
16 March 1896 | Judicial Body: United States Supreme Court | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Habeas corpus | Countries: Mexico - United States of America |