Discrimination; intérêt supérieur de l’enfant; développement de l’enfant; droit de l’enfant d’être entendu dans toute procédure judiciaire ou administrative l’intéressant; protection et assistance humanitaire voulues pour les enfants réfugiés; droit de l’enfant de jouir du meilleur état de santé possible; traitements inhumains ou dégradants
In a landmark judgment, the Federal Administrative Court acknowledged
the existence of a new specific circumstance that goes against the granting
of family asylum. In addition, it considered that the result of the
assessment of evidence made in the original, already concluded, asylum
procedure cannot be simply transposed to the subsequent family asylum
procedure. The right to be heard must be granted again and the results
assessed separately.
It finds that, although asylum-seekers are not entitled to have their asylum application processed in one of the two types of procedures, an infringement of the right to an effective appeal within the meaning of Article 29a of the Swiss Federal Constitution and Article 13 in relation to Article 3 ECHR may arise if, despite the complexity of the matter, a decision is made, incorrectly, not to opt for an extended procedure and therefore the short time limit for appeal applies instead of the standard one.