classification code compliance

Please note that the IPC and the IPC Classification Committee are currently reviewing the International Sport Federations Code Compliance Review Strategy that was implemented in January 2017.



The Code applies to the following sport organisations that form the membership of the IPC: 

compliance resources

1. Classification Model Rules for International Sport Federations  

Classification Model Rules have been developed to assist the membership with the implementation of the 2015 IPC Athlete Classification Code and are readily accessible for International Sport Federations to adopt them as their Classification Rules. 

2. Models of Best Practice 

The revised 2015 IPC Athlete Classification Code is supplemented by Models of Best Practice which offer examples of excellence related to Classification. All members of the Paralympic Movement are strongly encouraged to adopt all or parts of the Models of Best Practices. 

 *developed under the 2007 Classification Code and are incorporated in current 2015 IPC Athlete Classification code 

 In case of any questions please contact us at: [email protected]