Opportunities, Challenges in Paralympic Sport Science & Sport Medicine Support
20-23 September


The authors of the following presentations authorised the IPC to make their VISTA presentation(s) available to the general public on the IPC website.

The IPC would like to thank all of the presenters for providing their expertise through this channel.

The detailed programme of VISTA 2017 can be found here.

Presentations can be found below.

Wednesday 20 September - Making Paralympic Champions
Presenter Theme
Forber-Pratt Socio Economic Determinants of Paralympic Participation and Success
Radtke Towards Inclusive Sports Structures - Selected Results of a Cross-Cultural Comparison
Wednesday 20 September - Athlete Health and Performance
Presenter Theme
Janssen, Kouwijzer, van der Meer Effects of trunk muscle activation
Hoozemans, T Veeger, Berger, van der Slikke, D Veeger, de Witte Improving mobility performance
de Groot, Hoekstra, Grandjean, Kouwijzer, Valent Relationship between internal and external training load in recreational handcyclists
Zandi, Yazdanpanah Shoulder internal and external range of motion and position sense of sitting volleyball players
Vegter, Paulson, Morrissey, Mason, Leving, van der Scheer, Bru, Van der Woude, Goosey-Tolfrey Understanding propulsive shoulder forces during manual wheelchair use
Wednesday 20 September - Evidence Based Classification
Presenter Theme
Mann, Ravensbergen Guiding sport-specific classification of visually-impaired athletes
Ravensbergen, de Bree, Broekens, Mann Intentional misrepresentation when testing vision
Allen, Latham, Mann, Ravensbergen, Myint Classification standards for Para shooters
Creese, Stalin, Leat, Thompson, Dalton Visual function of Para Alpine and Para Nordic skiers
Stalin, Creese, Roberts, Thompson, Leat, Dalton Motion perception in elite skiers with visual impairment
Krabben Classification of vision impairment in judo
Wednesday 20 September - Socio-Economic Determinants of Paralympic Participation and Success
Presenter Theme
Wilson, Hogg, Millar, Walters Pathways to the Paralympic Games
Brittain, Mashkovskiy Impact of continental association affiliation
Howe, Silva Lessons on culture and community from Rio 2016
Patatas, De Bosscher Understanding Paralympic Athletes' Pathways
Thursday 21 September - Evidence Based Classification
Presenter Theme
Raul Reina The impact of physical impairment
Rianne Ravensbergen The impact of visual impairment
Thursday 21 September - Socio-Economic Determinants of Paralympic Participation and Success
Presenter Theme
Odiango, Bukhala, Nguka Assessment of a sports socialization intervention programme
Bukhala, Legg, Higgs Determinants of participation in Paralympic sports
Kean, Oprescu, Verdonck, Gray, Burkett A framework for implementing Adapted Athletics
Sabiri, Bukhala Factors determining successful organization and participation
Thursday 21 September - Athlete Health and Performance
Presenter Theme
Allan, Smith, Cote, Ginis, Latimer-Cheung Quality participation in Para sport
Dehghansai, Lemez, Wattie, Baker Issues pertaining to development of athletes
Mashkovskiy A 10-year analysis of fight outcomes
Thursday 21 September - Novel Initiatives
Presenter Theme
Mason, can der Slikke, Berger, Goosey-Tolfrey A comparison of 3 v 3 wheelchair basketball game formats
Saari, Skantz The PAPAI-model
Lucarevic, Danberg, Fowler Lessons from DoD Warrior Games
McGillivray, McPherson, Misener, O'Donnell We're the Superhumans
Sweeney-Baird Inclusive skating
Thursday 21 September - Talent Identification and Development
Presenter Theme
Baker Talent Identification and Development
Lam Talent Identification Hong Kong
Kinugasa Paralympic Pathway Programme
Thursday 21 September - Evidence Based Classification
Presenter Theme
Hogarth, Payton, Van de Vliet, Jarvis, Burkett Impact of limb deficiency impairment on swimming
Jarvis, Payton, Hogarth, Burkett Para Swimming start performance
Oh, Payton Relationship between passive drag and front crawl
Bjerkfors, Rosen, Tarassova, Arndt Development of evidence-based classification for Para canoe
Rosen, Arndt, Goosey-Tolfrey, Mason, Hutchinson, Tarassova, Bjerkefors Defining key joints for performance in va'a paddling
Ross, Wilson Evidence-based classification for Para sailing
Friday 22 September - Canadian Integrated Support Team Model
Presenter Theme
Craven, Fletcher, Frogley, Kolb Canadian model for supporting Paralympic coach
Friday 22 September - Athlete Heath and Performance
Presenter Theme
Blauwet, Brook, Tenforde, Broad, Matzkin Analysis of female triad risk factors in elite Para athletes
Fagher, Jacobsson, Dahlstrom, Timpka, Lexell Usability and feasibility of novel eHealth application
Goll, Spitzenpfeil, Fruhschutz, Olvermann, Reisinger Head impact of slalom gates on alpine sit-skiers
Ogawa, Hishimura, Ibusuki, Kakita, Sasaki, Nakamura, Tajima Physical examination findings of elbow joints in Para athletes
Dutia, Connick, Beckman, Johnston, Tweedy Investigating clinical effects of swimming training
Friday 22 September - Novel Activities
Presenter Theme
Sindall, Lenton, Mason, Tolfrey, Cooper, Oyster, Ginis, Goosey-Tolfrey Wheelchair tennis skill development
Pinder Integration of skill acquisition support
Duarte, Pacquette, Culver Using an online peer learning group
Berger, de Witte, Hoozemans, van der Slikke, Veeger, van der Woude Change of basketball wheelchair mobility test
Danvind, Skoglund, Nilsson, Ohlsson Comparison of rolling athletes' leg times
Friday 22 September - Maximising Athletes' Performance
Presenter Theme
Chang, Hobara, McNamee, Fliess-Douer Ability, disability and sports integrity
Friday 22 September - Technology
Presenter Theme
van der Slikke, Mason, Berger, Goosey-Tolfrey Speed profiles in wheelchair court sports
Francis, Owne, Molnar, Peters Modelling shooting performance in wheelchair basketball
Macarot, Tweedy, Beckman, Connick Kinematic responses of a novice swimmer
O'Riordan, Greenhalgh, Frossard, Miller Biomechanics of seated throwing
Friday 22 September - Athlete Health and Performance
Presenter Theme
Gee, Lacroix, Pethick, Cote, Stellingwerff, West Cardiovascular responses to heat acclimatization
Goosey-Tolfrey, Shill, Stephenson, Lenton Relationship between physiological parameters
Hutchinson, Valentino, MacDonald, Eston, Goosey-Tolfrey Maximal perceptually-regulated exercise test
Kouwijzer, Valent, Osterthun, van der Woude, de Groot Predictive models and reference values
Sinnott-O'Connor, Comyns, Nevill, Warrington Salivary biomarkers and training load
Phillips, Turner, Lousada, Verheul Acute responses of individuals with Cerebral Palsy
Saturday 23 September - Keynote Address
Presenter Theme
Misener The Paralympic Games and Social Impact
Saturday 23 September - Athlete and Coach Education
Presenter Theme
Tulio de Mello Sleep hygiene in Paralympic athletes
Saturday 23 September - Evidence Based Classification
Presenter Theme
Altmann, Mason, Goosey-Tolfrey Impact of trunk and arm impairment in wheelchair rugby
Groeneweg, Altmann, Groen, Keijsers Validation of arm coordination impairment tests
Connick, Beckman, Tweedy Validation of a class allocation model
can der Linden, Verheul, Tennant Influence of lower limb impairments on racerunning
Van Biesen, Jacobs, McCulloch, Pineda, Vanlandewijck How cognitive-motor dual-task paradigm can contribute
McCulloch, Van Biesen, Noens, Vanlandewijck Adaptive behaviour assessments
Saturday 23 September - Workshops
Presenter Theme
Goss Psychological recovery modalities
Springle Adaptive cooking
Musalem Wheelchair ergonometer
Luchina NPCs as drivers for athlete education - Proud Paralympian