Vision Impaired Shooting

What is Vision Impaired (VI) Shooting?

Open to athletes who have a vision impairment, the discipline of VI shooting is a challenge of accuracy and control, in which competitors use air rifles to fire a series of shots at a stationary target. Athletes use an audio signal to guide them in their aiming, with the audio signal rising in pitch as the point of aim moves nearer to the centre of the target.

Competition development

We have now approved two manufacturers for VI Shooting equipment:

VIS 500

Contact: [email protected] 


Contact: [email protected]

An important step in the development is the competition in September of 2017 to be held in Innsbruck, Austria.

More information on the competition can be found here!

Development Project

An ongoing development project is being conducted by World Shooting Para Sport to potentially develop VI Shooting as a discipline in shooting Para sport, under the governance of World Shooting Para Sport. As part of the Project, a sport-specific system of classification (conducted by team of expert VI researchers from Anglia Ruskin University) and standardised practices, rules and technology (conducted by the World Shooting Para Sport team of technical experts and management team) must be established.

VisION Impaired (VI) Shooting International Grand Prix, 28-30 January 2015 (Stoke Mandeville, Great Britain)

The VI Shooting International Grand Prix was held on 28-30 January 2015 in Stoke Mandeville, Great Britain. The event was funded by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior.

The Grand Prix consisted of both 10m Air Rifle Standing (60 shots, mixed event) and 10m Air Rifle Prone (60 shots, mixed event) events.

The competition was organised as part of the ongoing development project of Vision Impaired (VI) Shooting, and was an essential part of the initiation of the project to define a sport-specific classification system.

Here you can download:

1) Official Results Book

2) Event Photographs

World Shooting Para Sport would like to sincerely thank all athletes, coaches, assistants, officials and event staff who together made this event a success!