The Governing Board is currently composed of 14 members, of which 12 are elected at the General Assembly (President, Vice President and 10 Members at Large). The Governing Board, collectively, is the representative of the IPC General Assembly.

A group of six men and women standing behind a group of seven men and women

The Governing Board is responsible for setting the policies and for ensuring that the directions set by the membership at the General Assembly are implemented. It meets at least three times a year and meetings are chaired by the President. Currently one member of the Governing Board is an ex-officio member as the Athletes' Council representative (with voting rights). The Governing Board may have up to three co-opted members, which include the CEO (without voting rights). 


President Andrew Parsons (BRA)
Vice President Duane Kale (NZL)
Member Debra Alexander (ITU)
Member Mohammed Alhameli (UAE)
Member Muffy Davis (USA)
Member Rita van Driel (NED)
Member Sung Il Kim (KOR)
Member Luca Pancalli (ITA)
Member Leonel da Rocha Pinto (African Paralympic Committee)
Member Tim Reddish CBE (GBR)
Member Juan Pablo Salazar (COL)
Member Yasushi Yamawaki (JPN)
Athletes' Representative* Chelsey Gotell (CAN)
CEO Dr Mike Peters (USA)

* ex-officio member with voting right 

Additionally, the Governing Board provides recommendations on membership (conditions for membership and fees) to the General Assembly, including motions received from members. It is also responsible for approving budgets and audited accounts, IPC rules and regulations, membership of IPC Committees and the Paralympic Games.

The Governing Board is elected every four years and members can serve a maximum of three terms. The most recent elections took place on 8 September 2017.

Contact person: Matthew Morgan - [email protected]