The IPC is committed to clean, fair and competitive sport for athletes, to safeguard the long-term integrity and development of the Paralympic Movement.  Our anti-doping programme seeks to preserve what we intrinsically value about sport – what is often referred to as “the spirit of sport”.  This is at the heart of the Paralympic Movement – the pursuit of human excellence through the dedicated perfection of an individual’s natural talents.

IPC  Anti-Doping  Code

Anti-Doping rules, like competition rules, govern the conditions under which sport is played.  The IPC has established the IPC Anti-Doping Code which aligns with the general principles of the World Anti-Doping Code, in anticipation that a global and harmonised approach to anti-doping will help ensure clean sport for all.

The IPC Anti-Doping Code applies to the Paralympic Games and to all events and competitions under the jurisdiction of the IPC.   All participants (athletes, athlete support personnel and other individuals) agree to be bound by this Code as a condition of participation .

2021 IPC Anti-Doping Code

The  Prohibited  List

The World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) Prohibited List identifies the substances and methods that are banned in sport.  It lists substances and methods that are prohibited at all times (in and out-of-competition) and those that are banned only in-competition or only in particular sports.

The Prohibited List is updated annually following an extensive consultation process facilitated by WADA.  The updated List comes into force on 01 January each year.  It is published by WADA three months prior to coming into force, to make people aware in advance of any changes.  In exceptional circumstances, a substance or method may be added to the Prohibited List at any time.

The Prohibited List may include any substances or methods that satisfy any two of the following criteria:

  • It has the potential to enhance or enhances sport performance
  • It represents an actual or potential health risk to the athlete
  • It violates the spirit of sport (as is defined in both World and the IPC Anti-Doping Codes)

WADA Prohibited List 2021

2021 Summary of Major Modications & Explanatory Notes



The IPC is monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and responding as it relates to our anti-doping programme as well as broader sport activity.  Please click on the following links for further information:

Image - Speak Up - Report Doping Heading Banner

Athletes have the right to compete on a clean, level playing field – one that is free from the pressures and influences of doping - and testing alone is not enough to keep sport clean.  Anti-doping organisations increasingly rely on information or intelligence provided by individuals to help catch dopers.  You can do your bit by reporting what you know, what you have witnessed, overhead or have reasonable grounds to suspect.

No matter how small or insignificant the information may seem to you, reporting it could provide the last piece in a puzzle to help catch those who choose to dope.

The IPC has partnered with the World Anti-Doping Agency's 'Speak Up' programme, which receives and processes information via a secure digital platform about potential doping in sport.  Any information you pass on is strictly confidential.  You can choose to provide information anonymously if you wish.




    In addition to the video above, WADA has produced a number of resources for athletes and coaches which can be found below:

    Dangers of Doping (all languages)

    At a Glance (all languages)

    World Anti-Doping Agency