Being able to test athletes out-of-competition, with no-advance-notice is one of the most powerful means of deterring and detecting doping in sport.  Any athlete can be tested at any time and any place.

The Athlete Whereabouts programme helps enable out-of-competition testing, by requiring athletes who have been included in the Registered Testing Pool to provide accurate, up-to-date whereabouts information.  This is so that they can be more easily located for testing.

IPC Registered Testing Pool

In accordance with the IPC Anti-Doping Code and in its capacity acting as the International Federation for 10 para sports, the IPC has established a Registered Testing Pool (RTP) that includes high performance athletes who are subject to regular out-of-competition testing. 

RTP athletes are required to provide whereabouts information to the IPC, so that they can be located for out-of-competition testing at any time.  The information required includes:

  • A primary home (overnight) address

  • A daily 60-minute time slot when the athlete will be available for testing at a location they specify

  • Training information (including locations and times)

  • Competition schedules (including dates, locations and accommodation details)

  • Information about any regular activities they undertake (such as work or study) 

Click on the link below for a list of athletes currently included in the IPC's RTP.



How to Submit Whereabouts  
Image - the ADAMS logo

Athletes included in the RTP are required to provide the IPC with up-to-date and accurate whereabouts information.  Whereabouts information is filed each quarter using WADA's online Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS).   Athletes must file their whereabouts by the quarter deadline (see below) and must update the information as required

Image: a screenshot of WADA's Athlete Central smartphone App
Athletes can also download WADA's 'Athlete Central' to their smartphone to enable them to update there whereabouts while on the move.  The App is available on the App Store or Google Play.  

Quarter 1  

Quarter 2  

Quarter 3  

Quarter 4  

1 Jan - 31 Mar

1 Apr - 30 Jun

1 Jul - 30 Sept

1 Oct - 31 Dec

31 December

31 March

30 June

30 September

Whereabouts Failures

There can be serious consequences for RTP athletes who fail to meet their whereabouts responsibilities without good reason.  A whereabouts failure is either a Filing Failure or a Missed Test:

  • Filing Failure – if an RTP athlete fails to submit his/her quarterly Whereabouts Filing by the due date, or the whereabouts information is found to be incorrect or out-of-date, this may result in a Filing Failure;

  • Missed Test – if an RTP athlete fails to be available for testing at the location and time specified in the 60-minute time slot, this may result in a Missed Test

Any combination of three (3) whereabouts failures (filing failures or missed tests) committed within a 12-month period by an athlete constitutes an anti-doping rule violation and if proven, could lead to the athlete being banned from all sport for up to 2 years.

The IPC notifies athletes via their NPC if it considers a whereabouts failure has occurred.  The athlete will have the opportunity to provide an explanation before a whereabouts failure is confirmed. 

more information & useful links

For more information about athlete whereabouts, athletes can contact their NPC or email [email protected].

WADA At-A-Glance -  Athletes Whereabouts Leaflet

WADA Athlete Central App for Smartphones

ADAMS Whereabouts YouTube Tutorial