Technical Working Group (TWIG) Permanent Shelter Solutions and linkage to integration

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A picture representing Technical Working Group (TWIG) Permanent Shelter Solutions and linkage to integration

The technical working group on permanent shelter solutions and linkages to integration was created in 2015 to begin to look at mid to long-term solutions for housing for the conflict-affected and internally displaced persons in Ukraine. 


Aims of the Working Group: 

·                     Identify, follow up, revise and analyse pilot projects related to the TWIG thematic (to capture status, timeframe, funding, donor, scope of intervention, implementation costs, targeted population etc.).

·                     Desk review of the standards enforced in Ukraine, including HLP (Housing, Land and Property) component, existing market, stock of housing available, regional prices etc). In close coordination with Protection Cluster and other humanitarian actors set up backbone of permanent solution guidelines.- 

·                     Identify the methodology and work process highlighting all critical and compulsory steps. Findings to be compiled in an annex.- l

·                     Proceed on financial and cost analysis of existing and potential projects using a classification per technical solution (wooden frame, brickworks etc.). Summarise findings in an annex.

·                     Update the Cluster on status of work-in-progress and present final outputs/recommendations of the TWIG to Cluster stakeholders in plenary coordination meetings in oral and written form for feedback and comments.

·                     Update Structural Repairs and Reconstruction Guidelines draft published in April 2016 in order to facilitate transition and durable housing solutions which foster housing policy that supports the path to recovery and does no further harm to the conflict affected 

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