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< Mar 2021
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NRC, 2021


During the month of March 2021, the Shelter Cluster partners assisted:

• 36,579 people with non-food items (NFI) kits. Standard non-food items kit consists of plastic sheet, blankets, jerry cans, sleeping mats, mosquito net, solar lamp and kitchen set.

• 14,647 persons were assisted with Shelter. A shelter assistance includes emergency shelter kit, or provision of transitional shelter.



Coverage against targets

Need analysis

Around 3.2 million people are in need of Shelter and NFI assistance in Somalia. According to PRMN report, conflict and drought have displaced over 360,000 people in 2021 alone. Most of the displaced have arrived in Banadir, Bay, Gedo, and Lower Shabelle regions. In April, there have been massive displacements in Mogadishu, Berdale, and Baadweyne due to conflict. The displaced are in urgent need of emergency shelter and NFI according to partner assessments.


  • During the first 4 months of 2021, the Shelter Cluster partners have reached 127,502 individuals (5%) of 2.3 Million targeted with NFI assistance, and 108,463 individuals (5%) of the 2.4 million targeted with shelter assistance.


Gaps / challenges

  • There are only 6,000 NFI kits in stock countrywide with no shelter kits in stock. An additional 8,300 NFI kits and 2,250 shelter kits are in the pipeline however the available stock and stock in pipeline is not sufficient to respond to the shelter and NFI needs of the newly displaced population as well as the needs of the IDPs living in protracted situation.

  • Additional funding is urgently required to respond to the displacements and to pre-position the NFI and shelter items for potential displacements in near future