
An icon representing Overview

The goal of the Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster in Myanmar is to provide people affected by violence  and conflict with safe, dignified and appropriate living conditions, as well as access to essential services, while seeking durable solutions.

See full factsheet
August 2021


  • The 1 February military takeover, coupled with the state of emergency and ongoing nationwide protests/demonstrations against the takeover, has resulted in the resurgence of violence that caused new displacement and additional needs, including emergency Shelter & NFIs, for conflict affected internally displaced people dwelling in camps, displacement sites and camp-like settings in Myanmar.
  • In addition to the security situation and further displacement, access constraints, the banking crisis and underfunding continue to remain a critical challenge for the Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster and its partners.
  • To address needs for 2021, the cluster appealed for $36.8M for Shelter/NFI/CCCM activities under the HRP (pre-military takeover). So far, only 7.8% of the clusters’ financial ask has been funded. An HRP addendum has been published on 1 July with an additional ask of $8.6 million for Shelter/NFI/CCCM activities in areas that are currently not covered under the HRP.

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Coordination Team