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Shelter Cluster, April 2019


  • Cluster identified 3.4M as a cluster PIN which consists of 3.1M IDPs and 277,642 non-displaced people during the 2019 HRP.
  • Cluster has targeted 2.7M consisting of 2.2M IDPs, 143,050 non-displaced and 395,950 Returnees.
  • Cluster’s overall funding requirement for the year 2019 is $112 Million to address ESNFI needs, up to now 17% only covered.
  • Shelter/NFI Cluster assisted 27 percent out of 2.7M IDPs and Returnees across six Regions.
  • Since April 2019, the government-led returns process resulted the returnees of 1.5 million IDPs to their place of origin.
  • The Mid-Year review exercise is going to be conducted in July, to capture the new change in the context.
  • The cluster carried out a need assessment in West Guji/Gedeo, West/East Wellega and Benishangul areas
  • The mini drought/flood focused Emergency preparedness and response plan (EPRP) for Somali region was conducted June to August 2019.
  • The Cluster developed a two years strategic plan with the aim to strength the link between Emergency Response with Early Recovery.

Coverage against targets

Need analysis

Since April 2019, the government-led returns process resulted on the return of 1.5 million IDPs to their place of origin. Many IDPs were returned to areas with little or no services of shelter and remain in need of critical Shelter and NFI responses, particularly as the rainy season has commenced. In areas where security allows, IDPs have begun reconstruction of their homes and require support with rebuild and repair of their homes. The priority locations for the cluster are East Wollega, West Wellega East Hararge, West Hararge, Borena, Benishangul, Dawa, West Guji and Gedeo.


Between January 2019 and June 2019, the cluster response reached 112,961 households in Somali, Oromia, SNNP, Amhara, Afar, Gambela, Tigray and SNNPR with full S/NFI kits (50,361), cash grants/vouchers (32,992) and partial S/NFI kits (25,540) and for Rehabilitation component, Cluster also supported 3,682 HHs with Repair Kits, Transitional Shelter and Shelter reconstruction activities. So far only 27% of the Cluster target has been reached, as explain above this is due to access and partners waiting for approval of funds from various funds. During the period under review (April – June), Shelter cluster continued to provide life-saving shelter and NFI assistance to vulnerable IDP’s and returnee population. The Cluster provided training to partners in Cash and Shelter and Accountability in West Guji/Gedeo and East/West Wellega.

Gaps / challenges

Sudden return to series of locations across Oromia, Benishangul, Somali and SNNP Regions posed a major challenge for cluster partners to respond appropriately to several needs. Similarly, Funding constraints to address the overwhelming shelter/NFI need and gap in key return areas continued to be the primary challenge for the cluster. Into the bargain, anticipated HLP related risks, especially in return areas has caused several delays in swiftly responding to the shelter re-construction and/or repair needs of returnees. Below are few challenges: *Limited resources and underfunding for ESNFI needs. *Fragility of the security. *limited funding for the sector. *Access to the displaced due to security and political interference. *Frequent movement of Populations lack of access due to rain.