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Objectives of Shelter Cluster Somalia

There are an estimated 2.9 million IDPs in over 1500 sites in Somalia. The needs of different categories of IDPs, i.e. people who have been IDPs for nearly two decades and those displaced more recently, vary. The cluster continues to provide emergency assistance to newly displaced people affected by natural and man-made disasters (flood, fire, drought, conflict and evictions). It distributes a minimum Non-Food Item (NFI) kit and an Emergency Shelter Kit (if necessary) for those in need. It also maintains the emergency response capacity to distribute NFI minimum packages for 30,000 households or 120,000 people. This ensures a timely response to sudden on-set disasters through prepositioned stocks held across Somalia. Programme design takes into account the specific needs of women and, where appropriate, women’s dignity kits are also distributed. As durable solutions are not able to be achieved for all protracted situations, there is also a need to start re-building the resilience of these communities.

The Shelter cluster strategy has three main pillars:  Shelter assistance, NFI assistance, and Provision of Community infrastructure. Accountability and Community participation and ownership are underlying themes which are embedded in all cluster activities.

Where feasible, the cluster looks for opportunities to scale up transaction-based modalities in activities where their introduction can increase the timeliness and appropriateness of the response (e.g. by enabling people to address their own specific needs and priorities), and where it can support the resilience and social cohesion of communities, for example by facilitating the purchase of supplies and services in local markets.

To improve accountability, Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) forms an integral part of implementation and where there is an unacceptably high risk of diversion of aid, activities may be suspended. Joint needs assessments are coordinated to ensure that each regional shelter cluster produces an annual analysis of their respective IDP situation regarding shelter, NFIs and land tenure. 


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See full factsheet
July 2021
Somali Traditional Shelter in Wajid. Photo by Shelter Cluster Somalia, 2021


- About 1028 households have been evicted by AS and arrived in Berdale. 91% of them do not have shelter.

-3,500 households have been displaced due to conflict in Dollow district. 29% of them are living in the open.

- over 2,000 households have been displaced in Wisil town to Hobyo town.

- 1,300 households have been evicted from Farjano IDP sites in Bossaso.

- The Shelter Cluster joined a mission in Wajid where there has not been any shelter assistance provided in the recent years.

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Coordination Team