Global Shelter Cluster Information Management and Assessment Toolkit

2C. Multi & Sector specific assessments

This section includes a series of best practice assessments, with examples of terms of reference (including questionnaires and data analysis plans) and final outputs (reports, factsheets). They are divided between assessments specific to SNFI, joint multi-sector assessments, and cross-cutting assessments. 
SNFI Assessments
SNFI assessments conducted by shelter clusters in partnership with REACH or other partners are accessible through the GSC dropbox.
In addition, you will also find in this section of the toolkit: 
  • 2Civ. Tools specific to assessments in collective centers: collective centers can be both officially or unofficially set-up both in response to a sudden onset disaster as a short temporary solution, or following displacement. In these specific settings, it is important to tailor assessments to understand needs pertaining to them. 
  • 2Cv. Other examples of tools for data collections, including specific to urban settings
  • 2Cvi. Examples of NFI scorecards (for example from DRC (2019)Nepal (2018)Afghanistan (2018)).  NFI scorecards are useful to be able to assess the level of need in terms of NFI, which might significantly differ not only between contexts, but within a context depending on the time of the year as well (notably in the winter). 
  • 2Cvii & 2Cviii. Remote-sensing guidance & examples: in addition to providing information in a way no other tool can, remote sensing can, as previously mentioned, be the main way to assess initial damage following an emergency, and direct the response accordingly. These examples from REACH Yemen shows how remote sensing was able to present data at different levels of information in a context in which it is challenging to collect primary data.    
  • 2Cix. Finally, this section of the toolkit also links to the UNDP Housing and Building Damage Assessment (HBDA) tool, developed in partnership with REACH. 
Joint multi-sector assessments
As in the CTK, this section links to examples of assessments that are conducted jointly with other clusters to achieve common objectives both within or outside the HPC: 
  • 2Cx. Joint cluster assessments, for examples with WASH. 
  • 2Cxi. Inter-sector/MSNA/MCNA, which are household-level assessments facilitated by REACH that are conducted jointly by all clusters to inform the HNO and be able to calculate severity and people in need figures. 
  • 2Cxii. The Settlement approach guidance note, published at the end of 2020 and the result of work conducted over the past few years by the Urban Settlement Working Group, hosted by the GSC and chaired by IMPACT, CRS and Inter Action, and funded by USAID. This multi-sector approach, which proposes a new way to approach humanitarian interventions, particularly in urban settings, holds an important assessment component as well in which shelter actors are involved. The guidance note links to assessments that were conducted to conduct research throughout to inform the development of the approach.  
  • 2Cxiii. A shelter assessment conducted in Syria by HNAP that included a multi-sector component to help determine shelter adequacy. 
  • 2Cxiv. IOM’s Data tracking matrix which provide key displacement data and key informant level information on displacement sites, including a decision tree that guides you through the decision of whether to use DTM or not.  
  • 2Cxv. The MIRA needs assessment handbook, useful for the implementation of rapid assessments.  
Cross-cutting assessments 
GBV in assessments: As with all assessments, the GBV component should be mainstreamed when conducting SNFI assessments.
Cash & market assessments: with cash becoming more and more prevalent as a distribution modality, cash & market assessments are essential as they will directly inform programming, and not only provide evidence for decision-making at the strategic level
General assessment guidance & Research cycle 
This section of the toolkit provides general assessment resources as well as guidance on the different stages of the research cycle.
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