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Before & After: NRC War Damage Shelter Rehabilitation in Mosul Al-Jadida, 2019


  • SNFI Cluster has contributed to the Durable Solutions strategies for Dohuk and Sulaymaniyah governorates, led by OCHA. It includes proposed solutions for transitioning away from emergency shelter and reducing the need for humanitarian funding for continuous shelter maintenance in displacement camps, especially in light of the very low intention of IDPs in those two governorates to return to Areas of Origin. 


  • From June to August 2019, the SNFI Cluster conducted six different types of training in three locations (Erbil, Dohuk and Baghdad) reaching a total of 277 people from 27 international and local organisations and two local authorities. 85% of the participants who benefited from capacity building initiatives, were local staff.

Coverage against targets

Need analysis

As per the IOM-led DTM report, 1.6 million IDPs and 4.3 million Returnees have been identified across the country, from January 2014 to 31st August 2019.

The number of IDPs continues to decrease (from 2.6 million as of Dec.2017 to 1.6 million as of Jul.2019); while the numbers of returnees has increased (from 3.2 million, end of Dec.2017 to 4.3 million, end of Aug.2019).

  • 32% of the 1.6 million IDPs are in camps, while 60% are currently in private settings (in rented accommodation or with host families); 8% remain in critical shelter arrangements (unfinished/abandoned building; school/religious buildings and informal settlements).
  • 95% of the returnees are in their habitual residence, 2% in Private Settings while 3% live in critical shelter arrangement such as informal settlements, unfinished and abandoned buildings, schools, religious structures.


  • Out of the overall SNFI Cluster target of 861,650 individuals, 124,629 people have been assisted with NFI kits; 34,410 people have benefited from shelter interventions. The coverage for NFI kits stands at 14% of the cluster target; and the coverage for shelter stands at 4% of the cluster target. From the total  number of beneficiaries reached:
    • 47,624 people living in camps and informal settlements have been reached with NFI kits; 2,774 people have been provided with emergency shelter interventions.
    • 36,056 returnees have been reached with NFI kits; 28,251 people were assisted with either emergency repairs of war damaged houses, or provided with sealing-off kits.


Gaps / challenges

  • Through a second IHF allocation, SNFI Cluster partners will receive a total of 3.3 MUSD to meet the needs of more than 45,000 individuals in priority areas that so far have witnessed low or no coverage in Anbar, Dahuk, Kirkuk and Salah al-Din. Priority will be given to partners which, based on FTS reporting, have not yet received any funds in 2019 under the HRP. This is the case 7 SNFI Cluster partners of which 4 will be able to benefit from the second allocation.
  • The Ministry of Migration and Displacement (MoMD) has announced their capacity to replace some of those tents which wear and tear make them a substandard shelter, in some of the largest IDP camps in Iraq. While this is an excellent news, the program shall be completed before the rainy season, expected to start early October.