Libya SNFI Strategic Advisory Group

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The Shelter NFI Sector (SNFIS) is a forum where all actors can discuss and agree on issues related to shelter and NFIs supported by the Shelter Coordinator Team SCT which facilitates the sector members in attaining effective shelter/NFI action in Libya.

The Strategic Advisory Group (SAG), which comprises a maximum of 11 members, is to be established every year with the commitment to support the SCT with strategical approach for more effective and timely response in the provision of shelter and NFIs to the Libyan and not Libyan population in need. The SAG has also an important role in guiding the larger SNFI partners with policy decisions, strategic directions, advocacy and coordination mechanisms. The SAG ensures provision of guidance and technical comments during Humanitarian Planning Cycle (HPC) process and Libya Humanitarian Pooled Fund (LHPF) allocations.



The Shelter Coordinator Team (SCT) seeks to engage a number of sector participants, representing   various stakeholder groups, in decision-making through consensus management. The Strategic Advisory Group will guide the sector, in a consultative and collaborative manner, with strategic directions, policy decisions and coordination mechanisms.


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