North West South West

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A picture representing North West South West

The situation in the North West and South West regions which started as a political crisis has led to a complex humanitarian emergency with 3 million people in need. In comparison, in early 2019 1.3 million people were estimated to need humanitarian assistance, and 2.3 million people were estimated to need assistance in early 2020.

The number of people affected by the crisis in the North West and South West has dramatically increased in 2020. This significant increase can be explained by several factors. Firstly, the continued deterioration in the security situation led to more displacement and an increase in needs. While at the end of 2018, 530,000 people were estimated to have been displaced due to the crisis, needs assessments carried out in 2019 indicate displacement of more than 720,000 people – an increase of 30%. The COVID-19 outbreak is rendering the provision of humanitarian aid to the population affected by violence even more challenging. Furthermore, COVID-19 prevention and response activities are limited to main cities under Government control. Continuous population movement is an aggravating factor for the spread of the virus. According to the latest Multi-Sectorial-Needs-Assessment (MSNA) of August 2019, 44.5% of IDPs are children,52% of the displaced are women. It is also estimated that 200,000 have fled to the neighboring regions of Littoral and the West.


The situation of violence in North West and South West the regions forces the internally displaced to live in forests without permanent/adequate housing. Assessments of shelter / non-food items show that most IDPs live dispersed in spontaneous sites within forests, some live with host families, while others move to large cities / urban centers where they rent a house or an apartment. Even when displaced people are housed with host families or in an urban area, they often live in precarious sanitary conditions in overcrowded accommodations. The same assessments show that their needs for shelters and essential household items will remain a priority in the coming year. Secured access to the communities where the displaced live is a real challenge due to the ongoing fighting and the continuous displacement of populations from one point to another. Furthermore, there are safety and security concerns with regards to response activities.


In 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan estimated the shelter needs of the targeted 703,000 people in 2020 are not met, only 12% have been reached resulting in people continue living in makeshift shelters with no adequate privacy or protection from weather elements such as rain, sun, wind and heat. The lack of adequate shelter and basic non-food items adversely affects the health, dignity and well-being of households and in particular, the security and safety of women and girls

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June 2021
Beneficiaries of NFI Kits in Ntaba NRC, June 2021


The confrontations between Government Security and Defense Forces (GDSF) and non-State armed groups continue in both the North-West and South-West regions , caused the displacement of least 48,114 people ( 9,623 households) from January to June 2021 (according to the IOM DTM)  and  humanitarian workers continue to contend with challenges in the discharge of their duties . As the recent incident in June shows, almost the entire village of Infung was burned down by herders during the battle, and much of the village lost its homes and possessions. Approximately 10,926 people were displaced, all of whom left in a hurry without the ability to carry household items. IDP are currently living under very deplorable conditions. some only manage to pin-up mosquito net that serve as their shelter, some sleep-in abandoned buildings while others are jampacked in host families with barely a limited area to lay on. Since they could not farm in their villages of origin and are many in host communities, they have very limited access to food. in term of prioritization, their pressing are foods, non-foods items, shelter, wash and health care assistance. Humanitarian needs continue to increase in North-West and South-West (NWSW) regions, requiring a coordinated and scaled up humanitarian assistance.

To meet humanitarian needs, between January and June 2021, humanitarian actors assisted a total of 58,600 individuals (11,720 households) of which 37,730 individuals (7,546 households) with shelter kits and 20,810 individuals (4,162 households) with Core Relief Items. These assistances are implemented in both regions NWSW by 5 partners (Plan International, DRC, NRC, SHUMAS and COHESODEC )

Between January and June 2021, Shelter responses represent for only 8% of population in need and shelter/NFI responses for 16% of the Humanitarian Response Plan's sectoral targets for 2021.

Coverage against targets (HH)

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