Technical Working Group - NFI guidelines & Shelter Solutions for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers

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TOR- Scope:

Shelter Solutions for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers Technical Working Group has established for limited time frame to work on very specific task under the supervision of the Shelter/NFIs Sector coordination team.

The main objective of the group is to develop guidelines, shelter typologies along with drawings, technical specifications and costs estimates (Bill of Quantities) for shelter solutions in urban and rural settings for the target group of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers arriving in Libya and/or released from the Detection Centers.

Whether required by the SNFI Coordinator team, upon or not ISCG’s request, or whether sudden urgent matters occur, the TWiG members might be requested to revise their priority objectives accordingly, also extending their engagement for specific target task. Participants of the group are expected to have the time, interest, and commitment to participate in the production of requested deliverables.


The members of the Technical Working Group, which has been established with the specific task to develop guidelines on shelter solutions for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, however

Considering that:

- there is no standardization in the composition of NFI packages provided by the humanitarian organizations in terms of items, quantities and specifications;

- reportedly this may generate inconveniences or even conflicts between the final beneficiaries;

- there is urgent request to harmonize and standardize the compositions of different packages;

- ultimately the SNFI sector is accountable for the good quality more that the right quantity of items distributed by the partners;

Also, in alignment with the TOR’s sentence: Whether required by the SNFI Coordinator team, upon or not ISCG’s request, or whether sudden urgent matters occur, the TWiG members might be requested to revise their priority objectives accordingly, also extending their engagement for specific target task.

Have agreed: - to develop guidelines for the standardization and harmonization of the Non-Food Items Kits, inclusive of any items of concern.

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