Global Shelter Cluster Information Management and Assessment Toolkit

3C. Ongoing gap analysis & cluster performance tools

As presented in section 2.D, it is important for clusters to set-up tools that allow to track progress against objectives. Similar tools should be adopted during early recovery/more durable phases as well, and adapted accordingly.

Cluster performance monitoring:

  • 3Ci. In addition, by this stage, clusters should also be monitoring the clusters performance using tools developed at the global level
  • 3Cii. This example from Chad is an output from the cluster on its own performance, which serves as a basis to refine the different cluster strategies.
  • 3Ciii. The example from Ukraine is the result of an independent evaluation of the Shelter Cluster which provided very rich feedback by conducting a survey with partners (Annex E), field observation visits, and interviews with partners and key stakeholders to the cluster. This resource can be used for Shelter Clusters considering an independent evaluation or using elements of this evaluation to conduct a more in-depth analysis than that provided by the more generic CCPM approach. 
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