Burkina Faso - Fichas informativas

July 2021

1. Since end of last year, displacements of population have increased significantly, reaching the figure of 1,312,071 internally displaced people by the 30th of June 2021 (22% increase). 

2. Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country, each of them with 36 % of the total registered displaced population. They are followed by the Nord (8 %), the Est (8 %) and the Boucle de Mouhoun (3%). Displaced population are also seeking for refuge in others regions  of the country, like Centre-Est (2 %) et Hauts Bassins (2 %). 

  • 17 colaboradores
  • $59.5 M (17%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 0.2 M / 93 121 / 11 678 people in need / targeted / reached (HH)

March 2021

1. Since end of last year, displacements of population have increased significantly, reaching the figure of 1,121,960 internally displaced people by the 28th of February 2021.

2. Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country, with respectively 39.7 % and 31.7 % of the total registered displaced population. They are followed by the Nord (8.3 %), the Est (7.6 %) and the Boucle de Mouhoun (4%). Displaced population are also seeking for refuge in others regions  of the country, like Centre-Est (2.6 %) et Hauts Bassins (1.9 %)

  • 17 colaboradores
  • $59.5 M (7%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 0.2 M / 93 121 / 6 619 people in need / targeted / reached (HH)

December 2020

1. Since end of last year year, displacements of population have increased significantly, reaching the figure of 1.074.993 internally displaced people by the 31st of December 2020.

2. Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country, with respectively 40.3 % and 32.8 % of the total registered displaced population. They are followed by the Nord (7.2 %), the Est (6.6 %) and the Boucle de Mouhoun (4.2 %). Displaced population are also seeking for refuge in others regions  of the country, like Centre-Est (2.6 %) et HautsBassins (1.9 %)

  • 17 colaboradores
  • $30.3 M (39%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 0.1 M / 56 689 / 31 963 people in need / targeted / reached (HH)

September 2020

1. Since end of last year year, displacements of population have increased significantly, reaching the figure of 1.034.609 internally displaced people by the 8th of September 2020.

2. Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country, with respectively 40.8 % and 33.3 % of the total registered displaced population. They are followed by the Nord (7.2 %), the Est (6.4 %) and the Boucle de Mouhoun (4.3 %). Displaced population are also seeking for refuge in others regions  of the country, like Centre-Est (2.3 %) et HautsBassins (1.8 %)

  • 18 colaboradores
  • $30.3 M (39%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 0.1 M / 56 689 / 17 545 people in need / targeted / reached (HH)

June 2020

1. Since end of last year year, displacements of population have increased significantly, reaching the figure of 921.471internally displaced people by the 7th of June 2020.


2. Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country, with respectively 42 % and 33.6 % of the total registered displaced population. They are followed by the Nord (7.8 %), the Est (7.1 %) and the Boucle de Mouhoun (3.5 %). Displaced population are also seeking for refuge in others regions  of the country, like Plateau-Central (1.5 %) et Hauts-Bassins (1.5 %)

  • 17 colaboradores
  • $30.3 M (39%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 0.1 M / 56 689 / 19 147 people in need / targeted / reached (HH)

March 2020

1. Since end of last year year, displacements of population have increased significantly, reaching the figure of  838.548 internally displaced people by the end of March 2020.

2. Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country, with respectively 46.1 % and 37.0 % of the total registered displaced population. They are followed by the Nord (7.5%), the Est (2.2%) and the Boucle de Mouhoun (1.7 %). Displaced population are also seeking for refuge in others regions  of the country, like Plateau-Central (0.8%) et Hauts-Bassins (1.2%)

  • 17 colaboradores
  • $28.3 M (42%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 82 654 / 49 590 / 15 605 people in need / targeted / reached (HH)

February 2020

1. Since end of last year year, displacements of population have increased significantly, reaching the figure of 779.741 internally displaced people by the end of February 2020. 2. Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country, with respectively 49.4 % and 36.3 % of the total registered displaced population. They are followed by the Nord (6.7%), the Est (2.4%) and the Boucle de Mouhoun (1.5 %). Displaced population are also seeking for refuge in others regions  of the country.

  • 17 colaboradores
  • $28.3 M (42%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 82 654 / 49 590 gente en necesidad / destinada (HH)

December 2019

1. During 2019, the number of registered internally displaced persons (IDPs) has increased by 500%, from 87.000 to 560.000 as of 9 December (more than the current displaced population together from the two other neighboring countries most affected by this kind of insecurity: Niger and Mali).
2. The Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country; however, the North region has seen a significant increase in the number of registered IDPs in recent months.

  • 15 colaboradores
  • 82 654 / 49 590 gente en necesidad / destinada (HH)