Burkina Faso

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Au Burkina Faso, les besoins humanitaires en abris augmentent rapidement à mesure que les conflits et l’insécurité poussent des milliers de personnes à quitter leurs villages. Certaines familles se sont déplacées à plusieurs reprises et les perspectives de retour immédiat sont faibles. Les conditions de vie des communautés d’accueil s’aggravent avec l’arrivée massive de ces populations. Les logements des plus vulnérables ont été aussi affectés par forts vents et inondations à cause de la saison des pluies. La réponse planifié pour le 2021 par le Cluster Abris peut être trouvée dans le Plan de Réponse Humanitaire Burkina Faso.

Le nombre de personnes déplacées internes (PDI) enregistrées à la date du 28 février 2021 est de 1 121 960 soit une augmentation d’environ 2,23% par rapport à la publication du 31 janvier 2021  (1 097 462 individus).

Dès le début de la crise, les populations locales ont fait preuve d’une grande solidarité en accueillant la vaste majorité des déplacés auprès de familles hôtes. Cette capacité d’accueil a désormais atteint ces limites. Les conditions habituelles d’entassement et la manque d’accès aux services minimums posent de forts risques additionnels dans le contexte de pandémie de la COVID-19.


In Burkina Faso, humanitarian shelter needs are increasing rapidly as conflict and insecurity drive thousands of people from their villages. Some families have experienced multiple displacement and options for immediate return are weak. The living conditions of host communities are worsening with the massive arrival of these populations. The homes of the most vulnerable have also been affected by strong winds and flooding due to the rainy season. The response planned for 2020 by the Shelter Cluster can be found in the Burkina Faso Humanitarian Response Plan.

The number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) registered as of 28 February 2021 is 1,121,960, an increase of approximately 2.23% compared to the 31 January 2021 publication (1,097,462 individuals)

Since the beginning of the crisis, the local population has shown great solidarity by taking in the vast majority of the displaced with host families. This reception capacity has now reached its limits. The usual overcrowding conditions and lack of access to minimum services pose additional high risks in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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July 2021
Constructed emergency shelter in Barsalogho, Centre-Nord. Photo: HELP, May. 2021.


1. Since end of last year, displacements of population have increased significantly, reaching the figure of 1,312,071 internally displaced people by the 30th of June 2021 (22% increase). 

2. Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country, each of them with 36 % of the total registered displaced population. They are followed by the Nord (8 %), the Est (8 %) and the Boucle de Mouhoun (3%). Displaced population are also seeking for refuge in others regions  of the country, like Centre-Est (2 %) et Hauts Bassins (2 %). 

3. New population movements show a slight increase of IDP in both the Sahel with 124,529 (33% increase) new registered IDP, and the Est region with 25,394 IDP (32% increase) since the beginning of the year. 99% of the movements are intra regional. 

4. The response rate is still low at mid-year, 9,468 households were reached in Shelter solutions (13%) and 11,678 households reached for NFI kits (13%).

5. Out of the new coming emergency alerts, Shelter cluster partners have made notable interventions to assist the displaced households within various host areas ; 4,663 households were assisted in emergency shelter kits and 9,182 households were facilitated in Non Food Items. However, important response gaps still exist in order to cover all the affected households in need. 



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