1. Since end of last year year, displacements of population have increased significantly, reaching the figure of 1.034.609 internally displaced people by the 8th of September 2020.
2. Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country, with respectively 40.8 % and 33.3 % of the total registered displaced population. They are followed by the Nord (7.2 %), the Est (6.4 %) and the Boucle de Mouhoun (4.3 %). Displaced population are also seeking for refuge in others regions of the country, like Centre-Est (2.3 %) et HautsBassins (1.8 %)
3. The response in shelters and Non-Food items has totally decreased due to the reduction in the capacity of partners and host communities to provide additional assistance. This has consequently limited the number of households reached (1,780 for NFI and 1,515 for Shelter), a drop of 56% comparing to last month.
Shelter (HH)
Coverage against targets (HH)
Need analysis
Rainy season is challenging the shelter response as many households have seen severely affected their shelter and require support at the same time that the planned shelter response needs to be adapted to access constraints due to floodongs. Within the COVID-19 situation displaced and host population that were in overcrowding conditions needs urgently shelter and NFIs support in order to prevent the spread of the virus.
Assessing new sites with the authorities and planning them is an important priority. Specifically in urban areas, where the planning of new settlements is key to decongestion the housing situation, guarantee the access to services and prevent the deterioration of the population health condition. At the same time, the access to new available land to settle new displaced population added to the previous one is an important challenge faced by the cluster partners.
Shelter partners are currently reviewing from the technical prespective the shelter response in order to better adapt it to climate challenges and the displacement during, starting some mid-term shelter solutions.
Measures of adaptation of the shelter activities to COVID-19 context have been discussed within the Shelter Cluster to prevent the transmission of the virus and support the authorities and Health and Wash Clusters in their sensitization campaigns. The totality of active shelter partners are either delivering their planned shelter responses or being prepared for it.
A revision of the Humanitarial Response Plan 2020 has been done and the shelter population in need and target numbers have been updated. Priorities for the second half of the year have been discussed within the Shelter Cluster Strategic Advisory Group.
Gaps / challenges
Geographical coverage remains challenging due to the added difficulties in access to the some areas most affected by the attacks. Multiple displacement and already there have been experiences of beneficiaries of emergency shelters that had to dismantle, transport and reinstall the shelter in a safer area.
Access to adequate land represent one of the key challenges and some displaced population have already expereiced a relocation due to flooding damages in their previuos land.