Yemen - Factsheets

June 2021

  • Further conflict escalation reported in AlBayda displacing over 1,500 families.

  • Fire incidents continue to be a prevalent concern in IDP sites with 67 incidents recorded.

  • 167 partners
  • $207.6 M (10%) required (funded)
  • 7.3 M / 3.8 M / 0.7 M people in need / targeted / reached

March 2021

  • Fighting between the warring parties raged in several conflict frontlines, displacing at least 3,442 families in Marib, 390 Hajjah, and 1,916 Taizz. In response to the new displacements, 1,900 families in Marib, 286 Hajjah, and 600 Taizz have been reached with Shelter/NFI assistance within #72hoursresponse.

  • 167 partners
  • $207.6 M (6%) required (funded)
  • 7.3 M / 3.8 M / 0.2 M people in need / targeted / reached

December 2020

  • Shelter Cluster estimates that of the total 7.3 million people who require Shelter/NFI assistance, almost 2.7 million individuals are in acute need

  • Shelter living conditions directly affect not only the family’s safety and protection but also their health and hygiene.

  • 167 partners
  • $230.0 M (31%) required (funded)
  • 7.3 M / 3.0 M / 2.4 M people in need / targeted / reached

September 2020

  • Heavy rainfall and floods affected 62,508 families, especially in lower-elevation areas.
  • More than half a million vulnerable people in acute needs would be exposed to low temperatures during the winter months.
  • Shelter Cluster assisted nearly 0. 35 million IDPs, returnees, and vulnerable host community members.
  • Response to needs resulted from the rainy season reached 41% of reported needs up to the end of September.
  • A replenishment plan has been developed to ensure an optimal level of goods in-country based on a consolidation of needs.
  • 158 partners
  • $230.0 M (15%) required (funded)
  • 7.3 M / 3.0 M / 1.3 M people in need / targeted / reached

June 2020

  • Heavy rainfall continues to cause flooding and affected over 41,253 families up to the end of June.
  • Alarming deterioration in the COVID-19 situation as cases is spreading rapidly across the country.
  • Shelter Cluster assisted nearly 0.48 million IDPs, returnees and vulnerable host community members including 20% of reported needs of flood affected population.
  • 158 partners
  • $230.0 M (15%) required (funded)
  • 7.3 M / 3.0 M / 0.9 M people in need / targeted / reached

March 2020

  • Shelter Cluster estimates that 7.27 million people are in need of essential household items and safe and dignified shelter solutions in 2020.
  • With the ongoing unprecedented series of flooding, Shelter Cluster partners reported casualties, damages to houses, and urgent needs for over 100,000 individuals.
  • The recent escalation of the conflict in Marib, Al Jawf, Nimh, and Sana’a Governorates has led to displacement of  over 7,000 families.
  • 34 partners
  • $234.4 M (15%) required (funded)
  • 7.3 M / 3.0 M / 0.4 M people in need / targeted / reached

January 2020

  • The recent escalation of conflict in Marib, Al Jawf, and Nimh, Sana’a Governorate has led to a new wave of mass population displacement, with over 2,186 dispaced families, which increased to 3,825 reached at the end of  January. Over 557 families assisted with basic households items and Emergency Shelters, primarly tents.
  • 53 partners
  • $222.0 M (0%) required (funded)
  • 6.7 M / 3.0 M people in need / targeted

December 2019

  • Shelter Cluster assisted 66 percent out of 3 million people planned to be reached in 2019
  • 53 partners
  • $222.0 M (11%) required (funded)
  • 6.7 M / 3.0 M people in need / targeted

October 2019

  • Shelter Cluster assisted 43 percent out of 3 million people planned to be reached in 2019.
  • Fuel shortages have a direct impact on Cluster’s partners activities.
  • Significant funding shortfall remains a major and outstanding challenge in the Shelter and NFI response.
  • 48 partners
  • $222.0 M (10%) required (funded)
  • 6.7 M / 3.0 M people in need / targeted

July 2019

  • Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster assisted 31 percent out of 3 million people planned to be reached in 2019.
  • More than 280,000 people were displaced by the conflict in the first quarter.
  • Heavy rains and flooding from the end of May affected close to 70,000 people in over 10 governorates particulary in Hajjah governorate.
  • 40 partners
  • $222.0 M (6%) required (funded)
  • 6.7 M / 3.0 M people in need / targeted

March 2019

  • Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster assisted 18 percent out of 3 million people planned to be reached in 2019.
  • More than 151,800 people were displaced by the conflict in the first quarter.
  • The Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster organized a donor engagement session to strengthen relationship with donors and understand their priorities.
  • 33 partners
  • $222 (5%) required (funded)
  • 6.7 M / 3.0 M people in need / targeted

December 2018

  • PIN (People in Need) for Shelter/NFI/CCCM assistance increased by 24 percent to 6.7 million people including 78 percent increase in the people of acute needs.
  • Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster assisted 46 percent out of 3 million people planned to be reached in 2018.
  • Winterization support reached 11 percent out of 76,000 vulnerable families who are in critical needs for assistance.
  • A workshop with key Cluster Partners and authorities discussed the Cluster priorities and strategic direction 2019-2020.
  • 47 partners
  • $195.3 M (39%) required (funded)
  • 5.4 M / 3.0 M people in need / targeted

October 2018

  • Newly displaced families require immediate NFI and Shelter response.
  • Protracted IDPs remain in need for support to improve their living conditions.
  • IDPs returnee requires support to establish and consolidate conditions conducive for sustainable return.
  • 47 partners
  • $195.3 M (28%) required (funded)
  • 5.4 M / 3.0 M people in need / targeted

October 2018

  • Newly displaced families require immediate NFI and Shelter response.
  • Protracted IDPs remain in need for support to improve their living conditions.
  • IDPs returnee requires support to establish and consolidate conditions conducive for sustainable return.
  • 47 partners
  • $195.3 M (28%) required (funded)
  • 5.4 M / 3.0 M people in need / targeted

June 2018

  • Large-scale conflict in Al Hudaydah driven displacement.
  • Tropical Cyclones Mekunu and Sagar left behind death and destruction.
  • Heavy rains in various parts of the country resulted in damages to shelters, livelihoods and public infrastructure.
  • The Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster assisted 426,021 people across the country over the past 6 months.
  • A comprehensive preparedness plan was developed to address the worst-case scenario.
  • The Cluster strategy for the first HPF (Humanitarian Pooled Fund) allocations for 2018 was finalized.
  • 47 partners
  • $195.3 M (28%) required (funded)
  • 5.4 M / 3.0 M people in need / targeted