Burkina Faso

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December 2019
Feb 2020 >
Revision of “Sahel Shelter Kit” workshop, organised by the IFRC, CR Lux and CR BF with the participation of all cluster members working with this shelter approach. Photo: Shelter Cluster BF, 2019.


1. During 2019, the number of registered internally displaced persons (IDPs) has increased by 500%, from 87.000 to 560.000 as of 9 December (more than the current displaced population together from the two other neighboring countries most affected by this kind of insecurity: Niger and Mali).
2. The Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country; however, the North region has seen a significant increase in the number of registered IDPs in recent months.
3. This unprecedented situation combined with the high vulnerability of the population prior ot the crisis led to the Shelter Cluster activation on the 11th December 2019, together with the Health, Wash, Food Security, Nutrition, Protection and Education Clusters.

Coverage against targets (HH)

Need analysis

The displaced population and the most vulnerable hosting communities are living in many cases in very precarious conditions. Overcrowding is very common in hosting situations due to the high number of family members (7 on average). In many cases, hosts are hosting several families at the same time. In urban areas, there is a risk of the creation of slums due to the lack of available space for new shelters. Site planning and coordination with other clusters and national services is a key to prevent the deterioration of living conditions and to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.


At this moment, among the 15 partners, only 6 are active in the shelter and NFI response, with the majority of them intervening in the Centre-Nord region. Almost 15.000 households have been reached with an emergency shelter solution and almost the double, 28.226 with NFIs distributions with in kind or in cash modalities (10 % of the overall shelter and NFI response so far).
Different shelter solutions are being used within the cluster to address different needs and take into consideration cultural aspects from the displaced population. Within a TWiG, the composition of a minimum shelter kit has been defined and the content of two NFI kits harmonized (one full NFI kit and one minimum NFI kit, with the minimum standards). One TWiG has worked closely with Centre-Nord Urbanisation regional authorities in site planning for the two formal sites d’accueil temporaire (temporary hosting sites), Foubé (15.000 people) and Barsalogho (2.000 people).

Gaps / challenges

The scaling up of the shelter response is currently the key priority, but one of the main current constraints is the scarcity of funding for shelter response. Geographical coverage is also challenging due to the difficulties in access in some areas in the region most affected by the attacks, although several partners have developed strategies to continue delivering the shelter response. Inadequacy of detailed information about the population’s shelter needs and their dynamics also contributes of the complexity of the response.