Mozambique 2019 Cyclones

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Tropical Cyclone Idai made landfall near Beira City, Mozambique, on Thursday 14 March, with wind speeds of up to 106 mph. The cyclone torrential rains and winds have wreaked havoc across Sofala, Zambezia, Manica, Tete and Inhambane provinces, destroying homes, crops, infrastructure and livelihoods. According to the Government’s official figures as of April 7, a total of 239,682 houses have been destroyed or damaged, including 111,163 houses totally destroyed, 112,735 partially destroyed and 15,784 flooded.

The IASC Principals have declared a Humanitarian System-Wide Scale-Up Activation, the new revised protocol to call for the mobilization of system-wide capacities and resources, beyond standard levels, to respond to critical humanitarian needs on the ground (former L-3 Activation). This triggers the activation of clusters for priority sectors. Clusters in Mozambique have been active since 2007. The Mozambique Shelter Cluster is currently co-led by CVM/IFRC and IOM.

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February 2020


  • Large number of partners from the beginning of the response for cyclone Idai have reached some 67% of the estimated people in need with emergency shelter, transitional shelter and NFIs within the first 3 months of the response.
  • Linkage to early recovery made early on providing coordination and technical guidance to  actors involved in providing more durable transitional or permanent shelter solutions. Recovery SC meetings held at the Ministry fo Public Works and then the newly established government’s office for reconstrucon (GREPOC ) in Beira. Coordination of recovery and reconstruction activities will be handed to GREPOC by May 2020.
  • In parallel the Shelter Cluster continues to coordinate emergency response to New floods/heavy rains that affected people in larger areas in the central region in the beginning of 2020.


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