- The Mid-Year review exercise was conducted in September and the cluster target was revised to 2.4 million IDPs with an overall requirement of $132.3 million to address Shelter and NFI needs.
- Shelter/NFI Cluster assisted 31 percent out of 2.4million IDPs across seven Regions.
- A Cluster Retreat was held on 28th and 29th November to launch preparation of ESNFI contribution to the 2019 HDRP, and a longer-term Shelter Plan for Ethiopia.
- The SAG is established and endorsed by partner.
- Ethiopia Country Profile has been published in the month of December 2018.
Coverage against targets (HH)
Need analysis
The Gedeo-West Guji crisis continues to dominate efforts by partners within the ESNFI Cluster, as the return plan initiated in August 2018 has had very uneven results, with many returnees still in collective centers and unable to return to their villages of origin due to security concerns.
In addition, the crisis in Benishangul-Gumuz region and adjacent zones of Oromia has resulted in displacement of an estimated 300,000 people. Access to those in Kamashi zone of Benishangul-Gumuz remains almost impossible due to security conditions.
Levels of displacement on the Somali-Oromia border remain undiminished, and in several areas, IDP populations are critically in need of distributions, made more difficult due to both exacerbated insecurity and wet season conditions.
Thousands of conflict IDPs were reported across the country. According to DTM 14, the number of conflicts IDPs up the end of 2019 is high as 505,308 households. As per the Gap Analysis 379,329 HHs requires urgent ESNFIs.
Between October 2018 and December 2018, the cluster response was 73,072 households in Afar, Oromia, Somali, SNNPR, Amhara, Dire Dawa and Benishangul Gumuz with full S/NFI kits (44,197), cash grants/vouchers (6,462), partial S/NFI kits (12,927) and Split Kits (9,486). Cumulative Cluster response for the year 2018 has reached the total of 252,510 HHs consist of 103,390 Full Kits, 34,156 Cash Assistance, 77,774 Partial kits and 37,190 Split Kits.
In Conflict affected IDP’s in the West Guji and Gedeo zone received around 73 per cent of this overall support. The cluster has organized capacity building activities to support Pillar 3 (national systems strengthening and recovering) interventions of the Mid-Year Review of HDRP, including a flood mitigation technical workshop and a technical training on durable shelter solutions. One of this year’s priorities is to encourage the partners to explore different assistance options that provide better protection, health and livelihood opportunities to the displaced people for the long-term.
Gaps / challenges
In terms of funding requirements for 2018, the cluster has covered only 31% of the needs and is facing a severe funding gap. Furthermore; additional displacements reported at the end of December in Oromia Region (West Guji), SNNPR (Gedeo), Benishangul Gumuz and Amhara due to conflict will stretch on the cluster’s response capacity.
Access to the displaced due to security and political interference is another challenge.