GSC Coordination Toolkit

1H: Shelter cluster Information Management Frameworks and Tools

A strategic approach to information management should be taken, through identifying methods to improve support to core coordination functions. In the early stages of the crisis and in forming the Shelter Cluster Strategy, an information management system should be established. Documents in this section focus on establishing tools and systems through adapting existing global templates as necessary. An activity reporting tool should also be established to facilitate coordination.

  • 1Hi  Information Management Strategy Overview of Shelter Cluster Information Management Activities This document gives a basic overview of the main activities that a Shelter Cluster Information Management Officer should put in place to support the activities of the Shelter Cluster. These elements should appear in the Shelter Cluster’s Information Management Strategy.
  • 1Hii  Information Management Strategy Syria Information Management Strategy 2017  In 2017, the Syria Shelter Cluster established an Information Management Strategy to spell out the data sources, tools, databases, reports that would need to be established to support the implementation of the Cluster’s Shelter and NFI response. The strategy spells out which member of the team is responsible for producing and supporting the information management processes and the periodicity by which these should be produced.
  • 1Hiii  Information Management Strategy Yemen Information Management Strategy 2018-19  Similar to the Information Management Strategy in Syria, the Yemen Shelter Cluster spells out the tools, reports, and databases to support the implementation of the Humanitarian Reponse Plan and the Shelter Cluster strategy.  The strategy includes a matrices of periodicity of reporting and of which member of the national or subnational Shelter Cluster team is responsible for supporting and producing these reports. 
  • 1Hiv  4/5W Activity Reporting Explainer Document  This document explains the major categories of 5Ws in shelter programming and the major considerations of how they can be analysed to make conclusions about the broader shelter response.
    • 1Hv  Activity Info Reporting Tool Afghanistan The Shelter Cluster in Afghanistan and other Clusters use Activity Info to facilitate consolidation of reporting online and in a dashboard. This excel document is an example of the main fields Shelter Cluster partners have to complete.
    • 1Hvi  5W  5W Reporting and data cleaning methodology Ukraine  This template demonstrates how the Shelter Cluster in Ukraine updated their 5W database and reconciled activities between buildings, households, individuals, and locations. The database is also a good example of how the information management  officer used unique identifiers for entries from partners. 
    • 1Hvii  Shelter Cluster Factsheet Shelter Cluster Factsheet Guidance 2020   This document provides guidance on how to produce a country-level Shelter Cluster factsheet to report on achievements, showcase the shelter response, and advocate for additional Shelter capacity. 
    • 1Hviii  Examples of Shelter Cluster Factsheet  Examples of offline and online versions of country-level factsheets  Some examples of factsheets are provided to understand how both online and offline versions of the factsheet should look. 
    • 1Hix  Shelter Cluster Website Tipsheet  This tip sheet reviews some of the main functionalities of the Shelter Cluster web page and how it can be used to communicate better with cluster partners, organise and arhicve relevant cluster documents, and collect data. For additional information, one can also view the website administration cheat sheet.
    • 1Hx  Shelter Cluster Visibility Templates for country-level Shelter Clusters  This folder includes the Shelter Cluster Brand Guidelines in addition to basic templates to set up country-level Shelter Cluster logos, brands, publications, and business card templates. 



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