Global Shelter Cluster Information Management and Assessment Toolkit

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The Information Management (IM) & Assessment (IMAS) toolkit has been developed for Shelter cluster coordinators, and information management officers at country level. Building on the work done in reference to IM and assessments in the GSC coordination toolkit (CTK), the purpose of the IMAS is to serve as one point of reference for IM and assessment tasks and activities in support to core coordination functions.

The aim of the IMAS toolkit is to: 
  1. Save time by having editable examples
  2. Inspire coordination teams and IMOs with guidance notes, standards, strategies, factsheets and Cluster related documentation relating to IM and assessments that they can adapt to their contexts to facilitate coordination
  3. Standardise - within reason - the basic set of tools a Cluster could put in place to facilitate the coordination of the shelter response in country
  4. Create a common understanding of IM and assessments by highlighting key resource documents 
  5. Provide a framework for IM and assessment processes.

The toolkit comes in two parts:

  • The companion to the toolkit which introduces each section of the toolkit and related documents (with the author (or country of origin), date and a brief description)  
  • The documents themselves, which can be accessed both through this GSC webpage, or downloaded as a complete archive for offline access.
  • If you have documents that you want to propose for inclusion in future revisions of the toolkit, please upload them here. We are interested in new or better reference material written by others but also very interested in documents and tools that you and your team may have drafted.  We are keen to capture these unique documents for for future use. If applicable, please submit a PDF and WORD version so that others can easily edit for their context.  Please also write a description of the document, 4 - 6 lines is fine.  In this, introduce the document, why you wrote it (if applicable) what it was used for and any opinion or further comment.  Your readers will be colleagues from other Clusters around the world so this is a chance to pass on some hard earned experience and advice.
The structure and content of the IMAS toolkit is as follows: 
Phase Sections within each phase where documents are filed
1. Activation and rapid actions
A. IM Strategy, Framework, Work Plan: Includes documents that serve as a backbone and frame IM and assessment activities 
B. IM Generic tools: useful basic IM tools, including visibility and communication guides, admin tools, and blank templates
C. IMO Roles & Responsibilities: an outlook of IMO’s role and responsibilities relating to core cluster coordination functions 
D. Activity Reporting: Covers basic W-matrices, one of the most important IM documents for efficient cluster coordination
E. Initial situation analysis: essential tools to be able to rapidly assess a situation following a sudden onset crisis
2. Emergency phase
A. Assessment Strategies: key document for clusters to plan their assessment (who, when, what) throughout the Humanitarian Program Cycle (HPC)
B. Core Indicators: reference point on how to measure humanitarian shelter needs, response progress, and intervention performance
C. Multi & Sector specific assessments: many examples of best practice assessments, by theme and type of data collection
D. Response monitoring & Gap Analysis: tools to track and monitor activities against HRP or other targets
3. Early recovery / more durable phase
A. HNO – Calculating People in Need / Severity: examples on how to calculate PiN figures for the Humanitarian Needs Overview
B. Humanitarian Response Plan: examples and guidance on how to conduct prioritization from an IM perspective
C. Ongoing gap analysis & cluster performance tools: tools to track and monitor cluster performance
D. Advocacy & Reporting: Reference to the type of product that can help with advocacy and reporting
E. Early recovery multi or sector specific assessments: examples of best practice assessments, by theme and type of data collection, etc. 
4. Longer term set-up & phasing out
A. IM and assessment capacity building: Link to several IM trainings that could prove useful in the long term
B. Phasing out of IM functions: Resources that provide support in passing on cluster IM functions to local institutions, as clusters prepare to exit. 

For a recording to the Launch Event of the Global Shelter Cluster Information Management and Assessment Toolkit, please see the video below. 



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