Country Presentation 11: Burkina Faso
The objective of these sessions is to provide an update of the shelter situation in Burkina Faso an overview of the response strategy, and highlights of the main needs and gap.
At the end of this session, participants should know:
- The key elements of the context, crisis and the shelter needs
- The shelter strategy, the shelter response modalities, and the gaps
- How they can contribute to the shelter response
Please see for background information.
All times are Geneva summer time (CEST). 14h00 CEST is 22h00 Melbourne, 13h00 London, 08h00 Washington All sessions will use the same Teams link, they will be recorded and made publicly available (except Networking sessions). You can click on the Teams link here.
Event Date:
Wednesday, August 4, 2021 - 14:00 to 15:00