République Démocratique du Congo

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< Oct 2019
January 2020
May 2020 >
Henzler, REACH, 2020


1,240,216 personnes ont été assistées en AME par 42 organisations humanitaires, pendant le période de janvier – décembre 2019. 39,7% de l’assistance a été fournie à travers les approches monétaires et 60,3% par distribution directe. Les gaps principaux sont rapportés dans les provinces de la Région du Kasaï (AME) et dans les provinces du Tanganyika (AME), du Sud-Kivu (AME), Nord Kivu (AME) et Ituri (AME).

Une revue de la période janvier – décembre 2019 du Groupe de Travail (GTA) montre que 32% de la population cible est servie par les projets en cours et prévus / financés, fin décembre 2019. La population servie par les interventions abris / Logement a triplée par rapport à l'année dernière, mais d'importants écarts persistent. Le nouveau cycle de violence en Ituri a laissé au moins 540,000 personnes déplacées ayant besoin d'un abri. Grâce aux efforts passés, 16 partenaires du GTA sont actuellement présents et actifs dans la région pour y répondre. Un financement supplémentaire et flexible est nécessaire pour répondre à tous les besoins en lien avec le secteur Abris / Logement

Coverage against targets (HH)

Need analysis

The humanitarian needs in the DRC remain complex and multifaceed. 2017 was one of the most violent years in history. According to the 2020 HRP updated for 15.58 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance and protection, a 25% increase from the previous year. This includes the highest number of internally displaced people in any African country: over 5 million people. Through In 2019, the shelter cluster has targeted 29% of people in need in 2019 – i.e. 3,700,000 persons. The SWG end of year review shows that close to a third of the target population was served through the ongoing and planned / financed projects. The population served through shelter interventions, especially long term Shelter, has quadrupled compared to last year however major gaps persist.


The Shelter Cluster in DRC responds to the need of population victim of two type of crisis: forced displacement and natural disasters. The response strategy is based on identification of the population’s housing situation (in emergency collective shelter, in host families, etc.) and based on the cluster's vulnerability standards. Responses modalities include in-kind distributions and vouchers and cash-based approaches. From January to September 2019, 27 humanitarian actors provided 1,035,644 persons (192,382 households) with NFI (47% of the HRP target); 39.7% were assisted via voucher and fairs; 60.3%, through direct distributions. According to the Integrated Reporting System for Shelter and Housing (SIRAL), 243,520 people (43,336 households) have been reached by sixteen partners of the Shelter Working Group representing 9.8% of the HRP target. The response is mainly based on emergency shelter and local construction techniques on which trainings have been delivered for partners. People with disabilities represent 0.43% of the response and 36% of the response is cash, voucher or mixed.

Gaps / challenges

The diluvian floods in October have highlighted the need for a concerted strategy for shelter in emergencies in the DRC, to be able to effectively coordinate different actors responding in a situation of limited access and extreme urgency. The Shelter cluster remains on of the most underfunded in the DRC. Despite the high level of engagement demonstrated by partners, many are unable to secure funding for shelter projects. Finally, the continued violence in the East (most notably in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri), has caused multiple repeat displacements for different populations, creating additional tensions within host communities. The limited accessibility of areas under siege or with no infrastructure has posed a further challenge to the respone.