Reference Library/IEC Materials

SECTION A: Seismic Engineering

(Click the titles to expand)

ESSENTIAL Reading Top 4 documents

Title Date Document Type Author Description
Responding to Earthquakes 2008: Learning from earthquake relief and recovery operations 2008 Briefing document ALNAP & Provention Consortium Lessons learnt from humanitarian responses to earthquakes over the previous 30 years. Summarises main important findings concerning relief & recovery, makes recommendations. Provides links to online resources and extensive reference list.
IAEE Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Non-Engineered Construction 2004 Guidelines International Association for Earthquake Engineering  Guidelines for earthquake resistant housing - basic concepts that determine the performance of constructions when subjected to high intensity earthquakes - formulation of simplified design rules - practical construction procedures, both intended to prevent system collapse and to control the level of damage produced by earthquakes. Emphasis is placed on basic principles and simple solutions that can be applied to different types of structural systems, for low-cost housing construction
Nepal Building Code 203:1994 Guidelines For Earthquake Resistant Building Construction: Low Strength Masonry 1994 Building Code (80 pages) Government of Nepal Nepal Government building code for the earthquake resistance of low- strength masonry construction
Nepal Building Code 204:1994 Guidelines For Earthquake Resistant Building Construction: Earthen Building 1994 Building Code (73 pages) Government of Nepal Nepal Government building code for the earthquake resistance of earthen buildings

Compiled by Cendep and IOM for the shelter cluster.

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