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For all information on the Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster in Nigeria, please visit the Humanitarian Response website.

See full factsheet
May 2021
Felix Mesa / UNHCR, 2021


During the reporting period of May 2021, shelter is among the top priority need in camps, camps like setting and host community across Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe states. According to the site tracker and DTM data, 1,117,340 HH are in dire need of shelter and NFI assistance mainly due to inadequate shelter conditions, overcrowding, and economic hardship. Those people particular in need of shelter and NFI assistance includes Internally displaced persons (newly displaced and protracted), returnees, and vulnerable host community hosting IDPs. IDPs who are newly displaced require urgent emergency shelter solutions while IDPs living in protracted situations and returnees need durable shelter solutions to improve their living condition and physical conditions against harsh weather.

In addition, according to the May site tracker report that 801,567 HH of households lack basic NFIs. The priority NFI needs reported by the affected peoples are Blankets, mats and mosquito nets. The main reported shelter issues were shelters partially damaged or completely damaged.


Shelter and NFI partners assisted 10,595 HH with emergency shelter Kits, emergency shelter constructions, housing repair, transitional shelter kits, reinforcement of shelters and mudbricks as well as NFI interventions (Cash /voucher NFI, standard and improve NFI kits) to 400 HH in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states.

Coverage against targets (HH)

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Coordination Team