
An icon representing Overview

For information related to the response related to displacement due to conflict in Nigeria, please go here:

For information related to the response related to flooding in Nigeria, please go here:

See full factsheet
November 2020
FredricK Ejiga, IOM, 2020


176,600 individuals (41,398 Households) have received some form of shelter support. Of this 28,179 households benefited with emergency shelters of this 14,481 are emergency shelter kits, 8,686 are emergency shelter -(Bama),and 1,491 reinforced/emergency shelter (BAMA), 12,277 with transitional shelter solutions and 942 permanent shelters.

169,353 individuals have benefited with Non Food Items support. While 3,185 households received Cash/voucher for NFI.

From January till date 47,293 eligible persons have been manually registered.

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