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The Shelter, Energy and NFI Cluster developed the following online map of temporary shelters in Venezuela to support a more efficient, effective, and coordinated humanitarian response of partner organisations working in the field. The following map and data are available for humanitarian use only. Link to access the full version of the tool:

See full factsheet
June 2021
UNHCR, 2021


  • During the first semester of 2021, the Shelter, Energy and NFI Cluster reached 303,397 beneficiaries through partner organisations. Activities covered 14 states and Capital District.  217 street solar lamps, 18 electric systems and 87 Refugee Housing Units have been installed to support institutions and communities, and 4,231 solar lamps, 888 habitat kits, 1180 family kits and 123 individual kits have been delivered to support the most vulnerable population.
  • Heavy rains have been registered nationwide generating floods and overflowing, leading to the loss of basic NFI/equipment and damage in individual shelters, especially in Apure and Zulia. The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (INAMEH by its Spanish acronym) predicted that tropical waves (which generate heavy rains) could extend into November, local and national authorities remain on alert. Owing to the occurrence of these meteorological phenomena, region-level contingency plans have been developed in Zulia and Apure in coordination with authorities to assist people affected by the rains.
  • During April, clashes between Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB for its acronym in Spanish) and armed groups were reported in La Victoria (Apure state) leading to the displacement of people to Colombia. A ceasefire was reported during May and June generating returns of people to areas of origin (AoO).  Authorities and humanitarian actors remain alert to continue assisting affected population with basic NFI and temporary shelters if necessary.
  • The State of Emergency was extended, together with nationwide quarantine and movement restrictions in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19. According to the Venezuela Ministry of Health, as of the end of June, Venezuela had 15,647 active cases and 272,712 registered cases in total.
  • The cluster carried out advocacy activities showing humanitarian needs, cluster strategy and response, main gaps and challenges, lessons learns, and the importance of make response inside Venezuela visible for donors and stakeholders. Two documents were developed: Country Overview Cluster Shelter, Energy and NFI Venezuela and Venezuela Global Shelter Cluster Presentation.
  • The 2021 Venezuela Humanitarian Response Plan was published in mid-June as an update of the 2020 HRP, requiring 708.1 million dollars to assist 4.5 people in need. Regarding other funding mechanisms, through the first assignment of the Venezuelan Humanitarian Fund three local partner organizations received funds to implement projects related with shelter, energy and NFI cluster.

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Coordination Team