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The context and needs

Libya struggles to cope with the effects of ongoing armed conflict, economic and governance crises, and the direct and indirect impact of COVID-19 that has resulted in the deterioration of public services and people’s livelihoods.  For those still internally displaced since the 2011 conflict or looking to return, the lack of essential household items and adequate housing is a major issue and blockage to attain a durable solution.  For those seeking asylum, a new economic opportunities or access to Europe, face extreme difficulties in meeting basic needs and finding adequate accommodation.

Significant damage to homes, particularly in urban areas, and high displacement has increased the demand for safe accommodation, adding pressure on their availability and affordability. This has resulted in many people living in sub-standard or overcrowded housing, compromising people’s standard of living, increasing protection and health-related risks.  A safe and dignified home is the foundation for recovery and a durable solution.

Many vulnerable households need different essential household items. These include mattresses, blankets, cooksets, water storage containers, cooking fuel and heating systems.  The sector defines an array of different kits for different needs and phases of displacement.  Due to liquidity crisis and significant challenges in the use of cash, in-kind continues to be the dominate modality.

The conflict, combined with lack of income and increased needs due to COVID-19, necessitates the urgent repair and upgrade of community buildings and key infrastructure.  Needs range from repair of schools to upgraded health facilities to community spaces to aid social cohesion.

Who do we serve?

There are two principal target groups of the sector:

(1) IDPs displaced due to conflict, host population and returnees and

(2) refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.

Both target groups fall under the responsibility of the Shelter and NFI Sector led by UNHCR and co-coordinated by NRC.  The Sector has 6 partners under the 2021 HRP.

SNFI sector estimates the number of people in need of assistance in 2021 to be 367,000.  This includes 58,000 displaced people, 82,000 returnees, 107,000 non-displaced Libyans, 82,000 migrants and 46,000 refugees.

The highest priority Mantikas are; Tripoli, Benghazi, Ejdabia, Sebha, Wadi Al Shati, Misrata, Sirt, Murzuq, Ubari and Jufra.

What do we do?

To meet the needs, the 2021 HRP SNFI financial requitement is $13.1 M of which:

  • 61% of its 2021 HRP portfolio is Essential Household Items for those returning, in detention or subject to secondary displacement.  This activity is governed by a sector endorsed guidance note.
  • 34% of the sector’s work is focused on providing adequate housing for all population groups through rehabilitation and repair of accommodation and cash for rent.
  • 5% of the sector’s work is related to the repair and rehabilitation of public buildings and infrastructure.

Sector Objectives

The SNFI is directly addressing the second Objective of the 2021 HRPSpecific Objective 2: Facilitate safe, equitable and dignified access to critical services and livelihoods to enhance people’s resilience and ensure they meet their basic needs.

The Sector has two objectives that address the Specific Objective 2 from the HRP:

Sectoral Objective 2.1:          Provide humanitarian life-saving and life-sustaining shelter and NFI support

Sectoral Objective 2.2:          Contribute towards increased resilience and social cohesion of communities and households by improving housing and related community / public infrastructure

Shelter & NFI Sector 4W Dashboard