We are pleased to share that the Global Shelter Cluster (GSC) has received a USD 2 million grant from the Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) of USAID, to continue implementing key aspects of the GSC Strategy 2018-2022, while building on the achievements of the past years. This grant has been channelled through IFRC, which is responsible to ensure the smooth implementation of activities by Global Shelter Cluster partners and co-lead agencies.
The management of the USAID/BHA grant entailed allocating the majority of received funds to the GSC partners, which necessitated a request for proposals, announced on 10th February 2021. The launch was accompanied by two webinars conducted for potential applicant agencies on 11th and 12th February 2021 with 89 participants. The recordings of the webinars as well as all the necessary documents and information were published below. In addition to the webinars, the e-mail address proposals@sheltercluster.org was set up to receive additional questions, the answers to which were also published
The initial deadline for the submission of Project Partner proposals was set to 22nd February, which later was extended by 2 days to make sure partners had time to submit their proposals. As a result, 83 proposals from 23 agencies were received for 18 separate activity budget lines.
A Selection Committee comprised of IFRC colleagues, a GSC Strategic Advisory Group member and a colleague from UNHCR, the GSC co-lead agency, was formed to review and select the proposals.
The review by the Selection Committee resulted in the selection of 13 agencies. The full list of selected agencies per activity, including the awarded amounts and proposals themes can be found here.