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Bali. Plan International/UNHCR, 29/08/2020 distribution shelter/NFI kits


Humanitarian needs continue to be on the increase in North-West and South-West (NWSW) regions, requiring a coordinated and scaled up humanitarian assistance. Humanitarian actors continue to face constrains related to security and physical access in the delivery of the much-needed assistance in some communities. According to the Multisectoral Needs Assessment and Protection Monitoring and AGDM conducted in 2020 and in the first quarter of 2021 in the North West & South West, West, West and Littoral regions, there are more than 785,000 persons in need of basic shelter and core relief items assistance. The main hotspots areas being Boyo, Donga Matung, Menchum Division Manyu, Ndian and Mezam divisions, etc. 45% (Appx 353,250 persons), seeking refugee the host families with another 21 % (Appx 164,850 persons), are self-settled. There are some 20 % (Appx 157,000 persons), are renting, with another 14% (Appx 109,900 persons), living in makeshift shelters.


Shelter (HH)

Coverage against targets (HH)

Need analysis

A majority of IDPs live with their relatives within the communities. Homes hosting IDPs are usually congested with as many as 10 persons in a one-bedroom apartment. The IDPs newly displaced are living in huts that have leaking grass roofs. They lack every basic NFIs and some sleep on patches of picked mattresses and clothes. There is no latrine and no source of drinking water. They practice open defecation.


During the reporting month 5,994 households were assisted in both regions South West North West • SHUMAS continue assisting 41 students with rental accommodation in Bamenda • NRC through COMINSUD distributed 250 integrated kits (Hygiene kits, menstrual hygiene kits, household/kitchen items and COVID kits) in Bali, Mezam Division. Reaching 1495 individuals (M=707, F=788) • NRC through partner CBC distributed 175 integrated kits (Hygiene kits, menstrual hygiene kits, household/kitchen items and COVID kits) in Oku, Bui Division reaching 982 individuals (M=453, F=529) • NRC through partner CBC distributed 150 integrated kits (Hygiene kits, menstrual hygiene kits, household/kitchen items and COVID kits) in Noni, Bui Division reaching 765 individuals (M=363, F=402) • COHESODEC reported the distribution of 212 Emergency shelter kits in Mezam devision, Tubah su-division in Bambui, Big Babanki, Small Babank and Sabga. South West • Plan International reported the distribution of 70 emergency shelter kits in Fako Division in Wotutu • NRC through its partner AMEF distributed 750 Shelter kits comprising of temporary shelter NFIs, household and Kitchen items in Matoh town (400 kits) and Matoh Butu (350 kits) all in the Konye Subdivision in Meme, reaching 6,082 individuals in total (3145 females and 2937 males). • NRC through partner FORUDEF, NRC also distributed 250 WASH kits comprising of Hygiene kits, menstrual hygiene kits, household/kitchen items and COVID kits in Ashum (125 kits) and Eshobi (125 kits) in Manyu division, reaching 1,796 individuals in total (851 females and 945 males). • DRC reported the distribution of 2,035 emergency shelter kits in Fako and Meme divisions in Tiko, Mbonge

Gaps / challenges

Logistics constraint continue to be a major access challenge. Truck break downs and poor road networks. Worse situations are in view with the coming of the rainy season. Distribution of shelter kits has been banned by local authorities until further notice. Funding to respond to shelter/NFI needs in NWSW and prohibited items within the shelter kits remained the main challenges of cluster partners. Threats from NSAGs is still a significant deterrent in the delivery of humanitarian aid in both the NW/SW regions - Illegal checkpoints and demand for money from NSAGs is recurrent especially along areas with limited state security presence.