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August 2020
Sep 2020 >
Shutsi F. Plan International/UNHCR, 06/2020 distribution shelter kits


Almost 680,000 Cameroonians are now internally displaced. 52% of the displaced are women. According to the latest Multi-Sectorial-Needs-Assessment (MSNA) of August 2019, 44.5% of IDPs are children (96,472 girls and 95,031 boys). 80% of health and education services in the two regions were non-functioning even before the COVID-19 outbreak. Critical shelter needs remain prevalent throughout the country. The destruction of houses and villages in certain conflict zones continues to cause further displacement, with people seeking refuge in remote and bush areas. Children, women and the elderly are most affected. However, the provision of shelter support has remained difficult with additional challenges pronounced by the COVID-19 pandemic


Shelter (HH)

Coverage against targets (HH)

Need analysis

The need for shelter and NFIs remain present within the affected communities in the crisis in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon. As informed by UNHCR protection monitoring program, several persons among them women and children were displaced in several villages within Bui, Ngo ketunjia, Ndonga Mantung and Momo divisions in the North West region as they flee violent clashes between None State Armed Groups and the State Defense Forces. Food, shelter/NFI, medical care are among the most dire items highlighted by the displaced population. Several households have been rendered homeless as their houses and belongings have been destroyed


In the NW region, NRC distributed NFI’s to 400 households in Bamenda II and Bamenda III Sub-Divisions (150 kits in Bamenda II and 250 kits in Bamenda III). The beneficiaries were sensitized on covid-19 prevention and provided with kits aimed at disease prevention. The NFI on COVID-19 prevention distributed included 4L of household bleach, 2 bars of 250g soap, 1 20L plastic bucket SHUMAS is assisting 66 persons with rental subsidies in Bamenda and Bui, while 39 persons were also assisted with shelter materials by IVSPD to rebuild their houses destroyed as a result of the crisis. IOM in its response to vulnerable IDP households in self settled situation assisted 743 individuals with both shelter and NFIs in the North West and1316 in the South West. Also, in the South West, UNHCR through Plan International, assisted 4936 persons with emergency shelter in Fako divisison NRC reached 71 individuals with the distribution of household NFIs (The content included Tarpaulins, sleeping mats, blankets, mosquito nets, jerrycans for collecting and storing water).

Gaps / challenges

Funding remains a big challenge as only 13% of the targeted household have been reached so far. Partners have complained of lack of funds to meet the needs of the affected communities. Insecurity is also a challenge as organizations have highlighted roadblocks and lock-downs as elements hindering delivery