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Shelter Cluster, September 2019


  • Cluster identified 3.3 M as a cluster PIN which consists of 2.4M IDPs, 1.8M Returnees and 277,642 non-displaced people during the 2019 MYR.
  • Cluster has targeted 2.5 M consisting of 1.2 IDPs, 1.1M Retrunees and 138,821 non-displaced
  • Cluster’s overall funding requirement for the year 2019 is $80Million to address ESNFI needs
  • The cluster standardized its shelter repair and reconstruction packages to address the longer-term need returnee. 
  • The Cluster published its two years strategic plan with the aim to strength the link between Emergency Response with Early Recovery. 
  • Cluster led the development of WASH and Shelter multi-sectoral kits.

Coverage against targets

Need analysis

There is a significant shelter/NFI gap in West Wellega both in terms of ESNFIs for secondary IDPs as well as shelter reconstruction for returnees. The total number of secondary IDPs in East and West Wellega remains unknown. Insecurity, destroyed homes, and exclusion from aid is causing returnees to leave their places of origin in Asosa and Kamashi zones, and stay in collective sites in East and West Wellega. Since the reparations process for destroyed housing, secondary occupied land, and lost property is slow or, in some cases, non-existent, it is unlikely that displacement will soon end.

A significant number of returnee population from Gedeo into West Guji has escalated the need for shelter reconstruction or repairs support. Funding constraints and resource limitations to respond to the need have left many to remain in critical condition. According to loss and damage reports received from local authorities, the number of assessed has shown an increase of 31%.
The Somali and Afar regions faced multiple, sometimes predictable and recurrent natural disasters marked by climate variability. During the last quarter of 2019; thousands of people were displaced due to flooding. This is in addition to the existing conflict-induced IDPs which the Somali region which accounts for the second biggest in Ethiopia.


Shelter & NFI cluster continued to coordinate an effective delivery of relevant and culturally appropriate shelter solutions to address the severe needs of its target population. The cluster partners are primarily supporting return recovery through reconstruction and repair kits to damaged shelters using a mixed in-kind and cash modalities. Followed by the distribution of ESNFIs and NFI kit through cash and in-kind to internally displaced either by climate-induced factors and conflict. Support for secondary IDPs is a mix of ESNFI distributions and cash for rent in host communities.

Gaps / challenges

Humanitarian access is particularly limited in West Wellega and some parts of West Guji due to insecurity. Also, a combination of factors ranging from insufficient funding, absence of loss and damage information in return areas, frequent population movement, and heavy rainfalls (in some regions) continue to pose significant challenges for Shelter & NFI cluster partners to address overwhelming needs and gap. Indeed, lack of preposition and limited capacity and resources to address the on-set of emergency response have Housing, Land, and Property (HLP) issues remain a holdup to provide sustainable shelter solutions to many-affected population. Secondary occupation of homes, Loss of land, and titled documents are identified as critical challenges to delivering timely repair/reconstruction assistance to vulnerable returnee population. Peace-building initiatives have not been sustained at the grassroots-based and integrated with housing, land, and property resolution processes to provide security to returned populations.