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< Dec 2020
March 2021
Apr 2021 >
Mohammad Azim Naqibullah/ Bamyan, 2020


In 2021 the ES-NFI Cluster will continue all its core activities – emergency shelter; non-food items; transitional shelter; and winterization support. The Cluster will prioritize the provision of timely and targeted life-saving assistance through the delivery of emergency shelter and household items to affected people. Standard NFI kits will continue to be distributed where needed. Affected families will also be provided with seasonal items (such as warm clothing, heating materials and blankets in winter) to reduce their exposure to the harsh winter conditions and mitigate against the risk of respiratory infections, hypothermia and preventable mortality among children and the elderly. The Cluster has included in its response plan a modest range of transitional shelter interventions following the emergency shelter assistance at the onset of emergencies simultaneously contributing to meeting the affected household’s immediate needs while further rebuilding their resilience from the outset. These activities will include shelter repair and upgrade, transitional shelter, rental subsidy, and permanent shelter




Coverage against targets

Need analysis

In 2021 Cluster estimates 6.6 million in need of ESNFI supports and the Cluster plans to target 1 million vulnerable people affected by conflict and natural disasters with NFIs, Shelter and winterization support. This includes provision of standard NFIs, winterization, shelter repair tool kit, emergency shelter and transitional shelter packages with a funding requirement of $109.2m.

Conflict and disaster Response: Potential drought due to inadequate precipitation during the rain season has put the lives of 13.2m people at risk and in need of humanitarian supports. The multi sectorial Spring contingency plan is prioritizing 7.4m people with a funding requirement of $390m. ESNFI Cluster is contributing to the spring disaster contingency plan with provision of household items, emergency shelter kits and self-reconstruction tool kits, provision of tools and materials (both cash and in-kind) for shelter repair and upgrade and advocacy for increased funding towards transitional shelter solutions. This requires $16.6m targeting 216,000 people in 25 priority provinces.

Despite the ongoing Intra Afghan Peace talks Conflict has displaced around 65,000 people since the beginning of the year in 23 out of 34 provinces. The Cluster continues to respond to these humanitarian needs across the affected provinces.

Winterization: Considering the harsh winter and cold climate many people who live in high-altitude areas are exposed to cold without any or with inadequate means for heating to cope with the harsh weather. The Whole of Afghanistan Assessment (WoAA) 2020 shows 60% of IDPs have less than one blanket per member to cope with the cold weather. The cluster is preparing the Winterization Strategy for 2020/2021 winter season response to cutter for vulnerable people in need of Winterization Assistance.

As per the whole of Afghanistan assessment for 2020, 55% of interviewed people from IDPs, returnees and vulnerable non-displaced people have some type of ESNFI sectoral needs.



  1. From 01 January, to 31 March 2021, the cluster reached 339,477 with shelter assistance, NFIs and winterization assistance which translates to 33 per cent of the target 1M people.
  2. Partners reached 177,706 individuals with shelter repair/ upgrade support.
  3. 6,253 individuals received support to construct transitional shelters
  4. 1,747 individuals received emergency shelter assistance, including through cash for rent support
  5. 157,740 vulnerable individuals received winterization support.
  6. 66,124 individuals received basic household items (NFI) to meet their immediate needs
  7. The Shelter / NFI cluster continues to maintain emergency preparedness with contingency stocks and monitoring of gaps. 

Gaps / challenges

  1. The Cluster has not received any funding for 2021 and emergency needs are responded through the partners carry over funding and their prepositioned stocks from 2020. While most of these projects will be completed by April, there is no funding for replenishment of stocks.
  2. The scale, severity, and complexity of needs for emergency and transitional shelter remains high, particularly among new and protracted IDPs.
  3. Security-related constraints may limit partner’s capacity to access affected people.