
UKRAINE: Shelter/NFI Cluster Factsheet No 32 (December 2017)
Friday, December 29, 2017
Shelter Cluster

CLUSTER ACHIEVEMENTS 2017 The Shelter Cluster’s “2017 Annual Report” has been issued and includes the yearly achievements against 3 core Cluster objectives:
Objective 1 - To provide acute emergency response to newly damaged homes and life-saving winterization support. Target = 102,200 indiv Achieved = 118,589 indiv (116%)
Objective 2 - To provide light and medium repairs and adequate housing support for IDPs through rent or winterized collective center support. Target = 21,350 HHs. Achieved = 6,815 HHs (32%)
Objective 3 - To provide permanent shelter through structural repairs/reconstruction and community infrastructure repairs.
Target = 14,670 HHs. Achieved = 22,125 HHs (151%)
NEW DAMAGES In May 2017, in connection with the flare up of military activities in many villages along the contact line, the projection regarding the expected number of newly damaged houses throughout the year had to be increased by four times, to 1,000 units. The count at the end of the year - 1,052 - has confirmed the reliability of the projection. The breakdown by type of damage confirms the distribution observed in the previous years: 56% light damage (part of the roof; some windows); 27% medium damage (whole roof, several windows); 14% heavy damage (structural parts of the house); 3% total destruction.
WINTERIZATION In light of an expected lower commitment in the response, the Shelter Cluster advised in August to restrict the target from “severe” to “critical” needs. Since summer, when the first winterization activities started, 16,222 households (62% in GCA, 38% in NGCA) have received heating material - solid fuel, stoves - and 28,865 individuals (60% in GCA and 40% in NGCA) have received support for the purchase of winter clothes and blankets. The Shelter/NFI Cluster has flagged since the beginning of the winterization response a decline in the coverage compared to the previous year, in particular NGCA communities lacking fuel and heaters, and IDPs in GCA in need of assistance to purchase basic winter items.