Shelter Projects Working Group


Photo Competition (CLOSED)

The Shelter Projects Photo Competition is now closed.

The Working Group would like to sincerely thank all the participants. The winner picture will be appearing on the front cover of the new edition of Shelter Projects, while the other top pictures will be used in the back cover and within the publication. Some of the other submissions, appropriately credited, will also be used and shared by the Global Shelter Cluster.

Stay tuned for the next edition…



© Muse Mohammed
South Sudan. View of the Protection of Civilians site in Bentiu.


  • September 2016: open call for submissions. Extended Deadline 15th of October.
  • First week of October: review at the GSC meeting.
  • October: longlisted pictures are uploaded online and open to the public for voting.
  • November - onwards: dissemination of best pictures through social media and other channels.
  • January 2017: winners announced.
  • April 2017: pictures included in the 2015-2016 edition of Shelter Projects.