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November 2020
FredricK Ejiga, IOM, 2020


176,600 individuals (41,398 Households) have received some form of shelter support. Of this 28,179 households benefited with emergency shelters of this 14,481 are emergency shelter kits, 8,686 are emergency shelter -(Bama),and 1,491 reinforced/emergency shelter (BAMA), 12,277 with transitional shelter solutions and 942 permanent shelters.

169,353 individuals have benefited with Non Food Items support. While 3,185 households received Cash/voucher for NFI.

From January till date 47,293 eligible persons have been manually registered.



Need analysis

The sector in the reporting month of September continued to emphasize and advocate for the progress of thedecongestion process at LGA level through the decongestion strategy (at 90% completion) which is on theverge of deploying operational partners for implementation. Top priority locations such as Dikwa, Ngala andBama (Banki) are to be prioritized for decongestion, especially now that government has given its approval to use   identified land in Dikwa and Bama (Banki) for the decongestion related purpose. As steps to improve the delivery of  CCCM activities in sites,  sector partners throughout the reporting month September ensured thorough sensitization and campaign awareness in camps and camp-like setting relating from COVID 19 awareness, personal and environmental hygiene campaign, general sanitations on site, creation of water pathways and weekly routine infrastructural assessment of site facilities to dictate gaps and basic need of the camp population at large. A total of 4,658 arrivals and 1,602 departures were recorded across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) state. Arrivals of over 150 individuals were recorded in Mobbar (1,015), Bama(486), Ngala (427), Gwoza (365), Gubio (291), Gombi (202), Mubi North (173), Hong (171) and Monguno (151). 44% of the arrival was voluntary, 26% was due to poor living conditions, 25% was due to the ongoing conflict, 4% was due to improved security and 1% was due to fear of attack.


The month of September, saw the continuity of the sector and its partners’ swiftly advocating/mobilizing for prompt response towards bridging the cross-sectoral gaps as reported/raised by the CCCM operational partners. The partners where able to conduct 110 site coordination meetings out of the 164 IDP sites benefiting fromCCCM interventions.

Additionally, sensitization and campaign awareness activities in the fight to control the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic was emphasized. Community participation through focus group discussions, house-to-house sessions and equipping the population with preventive measures on COVID 19 and certain camp activities such environmental sanitation, hand washing campaigns, physical distancing continued to be a daily routine in camps and camps like settings. 

The Shelter Monitoring committee conducted shelter monitoring visit in the month of September to draw good & bad practices and constructively makerecommendations for improvements to current ongoing shelter construction by itsactive shelter partners in MMC and Jere of Borno state. The sector carried out field visits to Deka regarding the proposed decongestion of IDPs hosting sites in Dikwa   tomap out vulnerabilities, needs, stakeholders, gaps and outcome. Shelter needs of1,032 HH were addressed which included emergency shelter kits distribution, emergency shelters, and shelter rehabilitation. This was implemented through thedistribution of 576 HH emergency shelter kits. In addition, 97 HH were assisted withemergency shelter (Bama type), 359 HH were supported with the rehabilitation ofthe damaged permanent structure while 29,626 IND were assisted with Non-fooditems (NFI) kits across BAY states.

The facilitation of decongestion of IDPs from International School Camp to Zulum IDP camp in Ngala was successfully carried out and a total of 883HH were relocated to the site. In view of improving the sub-sector coordination in Adamawa and Yobe, a planned visit in the upcoming month is scheduled to achieving a way forward inimproving the coordination/intervention in the states.

Gaps / challenges

1,522HH which includes 800HH in Magumeri and 722HH in Gongulong were recorded as living in theopen and are constrained to using inadequate materials to construct provisional shelters, while having limited access to NFIs, and fully rely on humanitarian assistance to survive. A better, durable solution is needed to address the risks and vulnerabilities of the affected population and reducedependency on humanitarian assistance. A total of 6,653HH are currently dwelling in Reception Centres (RC) across Pulka (5,330HH, 13,609IND), Banki (167HH, 624IND), Bama (93HH, 254IND), Dikwa (113HH, 4,26IND), Konduga (127HH, 1,842IND). Mobar (Damasak) LGA witnessed an increase in influx of returnees thereby congesting the temporary set-up camp.