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< Nov 2020
April 2021
Photo credit: CRS ___As part of the shelter rehabilitation project, CRS rehabilitated this housing unit for female-headed households in Khan Younis Governorate. The result was a more dignified living space that protected the family from the elements and


This Factsheet presents updated information on the shelter cluster’s activates, needs and responses provided by member organizations in the West Bank, Area C, East Jerusalem) and Gaza. The responses focus on several aspects including, but not limited to the activities presented in this Factsheet






West Bank/East Jerusalem

  • Demolition response  

Demolished structures:           292

(Jan-March of Dec. 2021)  

Of which 115  (40%) are residential.

displaced 455 individuals, including 246 children

Donor-funded structures:      109

of which 61 are residential


  • Upgrading and Rehabilitation of substandard shelters (Needs):

3,040 shelters in Area C,

740 Shelters in H2 area of Hebron

310 shelters in East Jerusalem

Require rehabilitation or consolidation to ensure adequate protection and reduce risk of displacement.

67 households have received demolition shelter response in 2021; 6 are ongoing or pending.


  • Shelter intervetions in the 1st quatreter 2021

This Graph present No of Households assisted under which activities during the first quarter in 2021

 A main constraint is the lack of quality household disaggregated information on needs to accurately target interventions compounded by the movement restrictions that impede access to the most vulnerable household’s .and communities


West Bank/East Jerusalem

  • Demolition response  

Demolished structures:           292

(Jan-March of Dec. 2021)  

Of which 115  (40%) are residential.

displaced 455 individuals, including 246 children

Donor-funded structures:      109

of which 61 are residential


  • Upgrading and Rehabilitation of substandard shelters (Needs):

3,040 shelters in Area C,

740 Shelters in H2 area of Hebron

310 shelters in East Jerusalem

Require rehabilitation or consolidation to ensure adequate protection and reduce risk of displacement.

67 households have received demolition shelter response in 2021; 6 are ongoing or pending.


  • Shelter intervetions in the 1st quatreter 2021

This Graph present No of Households assisted under which activities during the first quarter in 2021

 A main constraint is the lack of quality household disaggregated information on needs to accurately target interventions compounded by the movement restrictions that impede access to the most vulnerable household’s .and communities



Ø  IDP response

Over 660 families (about 3700 individuals) remain internally displaced (IDP) since the 2014 conflict including recurrent escalations since Nov 2018. An urgent gap in assistance exists for around 73 IDP families requiring shelter support.


Ø Reconstruction (Remaining Cases of Conflicts)     GAP 56[1] M USD

Before 2014



This graph shows the level of reconstruction of houses for those with Totally Destroyed houses during conflicts




Winter Storm  16-18 Feb 2021







# of HH Assisted

20 HH

19 HH

232 HH

155 HH

Type of intervention



Cash voucher


 Shelter Cluster send an “Weather extremes and Shelter winterization Response- Alert” for all shelter partner to keep monitoring the situation with particular focus on localities of substandard shelters with metal/asbestos roofs and vulnerable hoses lacking water proofing. The responses was as Table 1:


  • Shelter intervetions in the 1st quatreter 2021

Emergency assistance is provided to families during and immediately after the emergency to ensure people have access to basic services and minimum adequate shelter.

The different types of emergency assistance provided included:


Gaza Stockpile of NFIs    UPDATED 1 April 2021

[1] MoPWH Report


Gaps / challenges

A main constraint is the lack of quality, household disaggregated information on needs, to accurately target interventions, compounded by the movement restrictions that impede access to the most vulnerable households and communities.