GSC Online Meeting 2020: Somalia Country Presentation


The session prepared and facilitated by Pankaj Kumar Singh.

Three key takeaways from the session:

  • Decongestion at IDP site level is an important cluster initiative that reduces the risk of COVID-19 transmission, GBV and incidences of fire and improves the overall living conditions. It needs the active involvement of different stakeholders including the IDPs, landlord, local authorities and other clusters. Despite all the challenges including lack of availability of land, funding and restriction from the landlord, the decongestion is feasible in some IDP sites in Somalia. It has been piloted in some IDP sites and the Shelter cluster together with the CCCM cluster and UN habitat has produced guidance documents for the cluster partners.
  • The Joint Market Monitoring (JMM) is a joint initiative of Shelter and WASH clusters and REACH. Working jointly with the WASH cluster and REACH helped to utilize the human resources effectively, benefit from the technical expertise of REACH and not to duplicate the efforts. This helps to plan the response, to determine the response modality and to develop the contingency plan.
  • In the context where an average over 80,000 individuals are displaced (including evictions) every month, for timely and effective shelter response, pre-positioning of NFI and shelter items in key locations is paramount. However due to lack of funding, the items have not been pre-positioned in key locations. The Shelter cluster will continue to advocate for additional funding for prepositioning items.


Presentations and Publications of the meeting

Participants and Feedback

Event Date: 
Monday, October 12, 2020 - 10:00 to 11:00