Global Shelter Cluster Information Management and Assessment Toolkit

2D. Response monitoring & Gap analysis

Response monitoring & gap analysis is conducted to measure progress against objectives outlined at the beginning of the shelter response, at the strategic, programmatic and operational levels. Activity reporting tools introduced in phase 1 should be reinforced here to be able to monitor the response more closely, and, in parallel, continue to analyze gaps.
The tools presented below are examples on how to proceed:  
  • 2Di & 2Dii. This survey from the Venezuela cluster helps map cluster partners’ capacity, while this one helps track specifically information on collective centres that are being implemented in country. 
  • 2Diii & 2Div. At the end of 2020, the Shelter cluster in Sudan developed pilot tools to support monitoring the response through 2021: the first is a gap analysis tool that uses information collected through activity info forms submitted to partners, keep an up to date analysis of gaps, measures progress against HRP objectives, and generally provides an extensive 5-W overview of the shelter response in country. The second is a stock and pipeline tool that uses NFI stock inventories (including contingency stocks from partners) to measure availability of stocks against the number of NFI targets at the cluster level per funding stream, including contingency planning. 
  • 2Dv. This kobo form in Chad collects activity tracking information from partners which is then processed at the cluster level. 
  • 2Dvi. This Burkina Faso tool (2020) tracks presence and capacity of local actors, necessary from a cluster coordination perspective to ensure that all geographic areas it has prioritized can be covered. 
  • 2Dvii & 2Dviii. These tools from Syria allow the cluster to plan ahead of the winterization response and track and plan for stocks as well. 
As introduced in phase 1, section D, response monitoring should be followed by visualization of the data that has been collected. In addition to being a useful way to quickly visualize achievements and view gaps, it also provides transparency on the response and facilitates communication between partners and between the cluster and partners. Best practice examples of dashboards and factsheets produced by shelter clusters in emergency phases and beyond for response monitoring outputs and activity reporting include:
At the operational and programmatic levels, post distribution monitoring (PDMs) can be conducted to track whether distributions are reaching beneficiaries as they should.


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