GSC Coordination Toolkit

2F: In-Depth Sectoral Needs Assessment

After establishing an overview of the situation, determining an assessment and analysis strategy facilitates ongoing needs assessment and analysis throughout the response. This strategy should fit into the main Shelter Cluster Strategy as often in the emergency phase, it is important to define what is known and what is not known. The Shelter Cluster Strategy should define how the Shelter Cluster will better define these knowledge gaps, so as to better respond to the shelter needs. It may be necessary to collect additional primary data through an in-depth sectoral assessment, depending on information gaps identified. For examples of previous Shelter Cluster assessments done in partnership with REACH Initiatives, please see the Shelter Cluster web page: Key documents for the assessment process include ToRs (outlining objectives, methodology and implementation plan), data collection questionnaires, and final outputs (reports, factsheets, presentations, maps).

  • 2Fi  Global Shelter Cluster  Core Indicators Guidelines. These should be based on cluster priorities and mainstreamed into data collection initiatives already ongoing in the country. 
  • 2Fii  Global Shelter Cluster Assessment Guidelines. This document gives a basic overview of how to design a Shelter Cluster assessment. 
  • 2Fiii  UNHCR Needs Assessment Handbook. This manual is a more generalist humanitarian needs assessment handbook that breaks down which type of methodologies may be the most appropriate for various population groups and what other actors from other sectors may consider as important. This handbook can also help Shelter Cluster teams engage with UNHCR as Cluster Lead Agency. 
  • 2Fiv  MIRA Needs Assessment Handbook. The Multi-sector Initial Rapid Needs Assessment (MIRA) is a joint needs assessment tool that can be used in sudden on set, scale up, or sustained emergencies. Done in cooperation with other clusters, it is usually done prior to sectoral assessments. 
  • 2Fv  Kobo data collection training Ukraine Shelter Cluster Training Powerpoint. This helpful powerpoint explains how to go from non-user to super user in Kobo. It also explains basic concepts of how to design a survey and to analyse the data collected. 
  • 2Fvi  Inter-Sectoral Needs Assessment and Analysis/MSNA/MCNA Many humanitarian responses now conduct an annual multi-sector or multi-cluster needs asssement as a basis to inform the Humanitarian Needs Overview. The Cluster can at times establish mechanisms to consolidate primary data collection between Cluster partners. The Cluster should also seek to triangulate data coming from other intersectoral sources including REACH multi sector needs assessments or from other cluster assessments that may be relevant to inform the shelter response. For example, indicators from livelihoods can be useful for indicating affordability of housing, while WASH assessments may inform on available water and sanitation services relevant for shelter programming. IOM’s DTM is a counting tool that sometimes can provide useful insights on the number and types of shelters in a location. As far as possible, country-level Shelter Clusters should ensure that there are various sources of data in place and to validate findings with cluster partners in the field. 
  • 2Fvii  Shelter Assessment Data Collection Tools and Terms of References- This folder contains a number of examples of shelter data collection forms completed by the Shelter Cluster Team and REACH Initiatives. Prior to designing the tools, it is an important to draft a terms of reference in order to ensure that the objectives and outcomes of the assessment are clear. There are examples of household questionnaires, key informant interview, and a focus group discussion.
  • 2Fviii  Shelter Assessment Reports and Products REACH and Shelter Cluster Reports In order to support Shelter Cluster partners and donors in understanding the shelter situation, various products can be produced using the analysis produced from the assessment. Some example of the types of assessments and data that can be produced. 
    • Large-scale SNFI needs assessments (baseline or during protracted crises)- In the beginning of the crisis, a baseline needs assessment is necessary to determine the gap in the crisis and to support in identifying the various shelter typologies necessary to inform the cluster’s first strategy. The Shelter Cluster can use this baseline assessment to put in place more permanent monitoring systems. In protracted crises, a large-scale SNFI needs assessment may be required due to flare ups occurring in addition to the protracted case load. 
    • Post-natural disaster rapid assessments- Natural disasters and vulnerabilities to natural disasters are an aspect of every shelter response even in conflict situations. These natural disasters may exacerbate the shelter needs of those already displaced or it could impact on the resilience of shelters built after a crisis. These types of assessments are necessary for both contingency planning and to respond in the aftermath of a natural disaster. 
    • Joint shelter and other cluster assessments- Due to the similarity in profile or the need for clusters to plan joint activities, it may be useful to pool resources with other Clusters and conduct joint assessments. The Shelter and WASH Clusters have a long history of conducting joint assessments. 
    • Specialised or thematic assessments- In order to improve the quality of the response, the Shelter Cluster can facilitate coordinated assessments of the capacity of shellter and NFI markets, winterization assessments, housing, and other assessments that are necessary to inform the shelter-specific response of the partners. 



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